Once the buyer and seller have reached an agreement, the merchandise’s delivery will be up for bidding for all certified freight forwarders on Export Portal.
Find MerchandiseSecurity and Verification
Export Portal guarantees our B2B freight forwarding network that they will only be shipping legitimate products from verified manufacturers and sellers.
To protect our freight forwarders, Export Portal undergoes a thorough verification process on all its members.

Customs and Warehouse
Export Portal ensures a smooth customs inspection by assisting sellers, buyers, and forwarders with all necessary paperwork.
Merchandise is stored safely in a warehouse until it clears customs inspection, as stipulated in the contract signed by the buyer and seller.
Shipping Methods
Export Portal is dedicated to providing top-quality shipping services. You can now view information on all shipping methods at once to speed up the transaction process when creating a purchase order on Export Portal.
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Once the product passes the customs inspection, the freight forwarder proceeds with transporting the shipment.
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All payments are held in escrow by a licensed financial institution until product is shipped and delivered.
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