
Woof Brands Ltd.

We are a passionate and innovative natural supplements business committed to providing premium, yet affordable, ...
Ben May
United Kingdom , London , London Farnham Lane GU27 1HA
Verified Seller
Member from Mar 2019
United Kingdom United Kingdom

Woof Brands Ltd. | Company Profile

Company description

We are a passionate and innovative natural supplements business committed to providing premium, yet affordable, scientifically-backed beauty products that deliver lasting results for your skin from within.

Skin Woof Founder, Ben May, launched the brand after they experienced a life changing event following a routine knee operation which resulted in them catching the hospital superbug known as MRSA leading to a 3 month stint in hospital on the most powerful antibiotics available. As a side effect of the antibiotics and illness, their skin was left full of blemishes, gauntness and bad health which massively affected their confidence.

This particular low point led our Founder to change their perspective of life. After a while of working a corporate job, they left to set up Skin Woof with the aim of having a greater impact on other people's lives by inspiring them to feel more self confident and to do things that make them feel fulfilled. Having first hand experienced the effect that skin condition can have on a person's spirit, they spotted an opportunity to help others get the most from their skin and thus, give them that extra boost of confidence.

The name ‘Skin Woof’ came to be after a friendship group started using the word 'Woof' whenever something positive happened to them for example a promotion at work or being confident enough to do something that they had previously been afraid of pursuing. We decided we wanted to share this euphoric expression with the world and so Skin Woof was born.

Our purpose is to inspire and encourage everyone to be healthier, happier, more sociable, more active and to feel more self-confident. We know it won't be easy to inspire a generation. But we are going to do all we can to make that happen! It starts with helping you to feel more confident in your own healthy, radiant and beautiful skin through our unique vitamins.

Seller Rating

Verified Seller
5 years, 9 months of experience

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  • Ben May
  • United Kingdom United Kingdom
  • London, London
  • Followers
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Seller Rating

Verified Seller
5 years, 9 months of experience

Additional info

  • Ben May
  • United Kingdom United Kingdom
  • London, London
  • Followers
  • Partners