General Standards
IMANOR is the most important organization which establishes the international trade standards for foreign importers and local exporters. The organization was created in 2010, replacing the Service de Normalisation Industrielle Marocaine (SNIMA), a part of the Ministry of Industry. With its new status of administrative and financial autonomy, IMANOR aims to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Moroccan companies while supporting economic competition, consumer protection, and protection of the environment and improvement of living conditions.
IMANOR has the following responsibilities:
- production of Moroccan standards;
- certification of compliance with standards and normative references;
- publication and dissemination of standards and related products and information;
- training on standards and implementation techniques,
- representation of Morocco in international and regional standardization organizations.
There are five different trade organizations which are responsible for product certifications:
- Multi-sector Commission (Commission pluri-sectorielle), which includes services,
- Food and Agricultural Industry Certification Commission (Commission de Certification des Industries Agro-Alimentaires),
- Chemical and Para-Chemical Industry Certification Commission (Commission de Certificat des Industries de la Chimie et de la Parachimie),
- Mechanic, Metallurgic, Electric and Electronic Certification Commission (Commission de Certification des Industries Mécaniques, Métallurgiques, Electriques et Electroniques),
- Textile and Leather Industry Certification Commission (Commission de Certification des Industries du Textile et du Cuir).
The Ministry of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy is the main organization, responsible for accreditation of imported and exported products in Morocco. Although accreditation is still voluntary with no accreditation requirements mandatory by technical regulations, there are almost 30 certified labs nationwide. A complete list of these labs can be found at the website
Every importers and exporters have to prepare the following documents in order to get the permission to sell the products in Morocco and out of its borders:
- a license representing the “physical import or export”;
- a commercial invoice: pro-forma invoices are provided in most cases, no special invoice form is necessary, the commercial or pro-forma invoice should:
- be on the supplier’s letterhead;
- fully describe the goods in French;
- indicate the HS code when available;
- indicate the value of the goods;
- indicate the currency for payment (for foreign exchange transfer);
- indicate the address of the buyer.
The international exporters should keep in mind that the date format should be (dd/mm/yyyy).
- An “import commitment” (engagement d’importation), which is the authorization provided by the exchange office for transfer of foreign currencies from Morocco to foreign suppliers abroad.
- A “customs declaration” (declaration de douane) is provided by the customs office and is required for import and export through a port or airport. For shipments by mail, a simple form filled out at the post office replaces the “declaration de douane.”
- The importer/exporter may attach any documentation, such as technical documentation, that might help the customs office. The authority for Customs in Morocco is the Administration of Customs and Indirect Tax:
There are strict requirements governing the labelling of dairy foods, baby foods, canned foods, vinegar, beverages, edible oil and fats and gourmet powder (defined as an article containing monosodium glutamate (MSG) and used for food seasoning) that must be met.
Food products must be approved and registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). When seeking registration importers must supply two samples of each product, details of the exact composition by percentage of each ingredient, and six labels. Foodstuffs in sealed containers are also subject to specific regulations.
Food products imported into Morocco must be labelled in Arabic language and display the following information for consumers:
- name and brand of the product (both generic and trade);
- registration number;
- name and address of the manufacturer;
- name and address of the importer;
- date of manufacturing and expiry;
- net weight and volume;
- any additives used;
- health and nutritional claims (if any).
Labels for alcoholic beverages must display the percentage of alcohol content. There must also be a health warning, printed in Arabic and English languages, on the label or on a sticker, with specific government-approved wording.
Regulations also govern the labelling on cosmetic products. Generally a local agent or importer can help to register a product and ensure labelling requirements are met.
IMANOR (Institut Marocain de Normalisation)
Angle Avenue Kamal Zebdi et Rue Dadi Secteur 21, Hay Riad, Rabat
Tel: +212 537 5724 43/49/50
Fax: +212 537 7117 73