Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Honduran Consulate in Caracas, VenezuelaHonduras, Av. Pral. De la Castellana, con la 1era, Transversal de Altamira Edif., Banco de Lara, Piso 8°, Ofic. B-2 Urb., La Castellana, P.O. BOX: A-68259Phone: +58212-264-0606 / +58212-261-6741 Fax: +58212-263-4379
Icelandic Consulate in Caracas, VenezuelaIceland, Torre Las Mercedes, 2nd floor Chuao, CaracasPhone: +58 (212) 600 7400 Fax: +58 (212) 600 7401
Iranian Consulate in Caracas, VenezuelaIran, Quinta Onmat Calle Kemal Ataturk Urb., Valle Arriba, VenezuelaPhone: +58-212 9921854 Fax: +58-212 9929989
Irish Consulate in Caracas, VenezuelaIreland, Torre Clement, piso 2, Ofc. 2A-2B, Avenida Venezuela, El RosalHonorary Consul General: Peter A. MacaulayPhone: +58-212-951-3645 Fax: +58-212-951-7707
Dutch Consulate in Maracaibo, VenezuelaNetherlands, Avenida 3c (La Lago) , con Calle 67 (Cecilia Acosta) , Uni Centro Virginia, Local 2-6 , Maracaibo 4002 , Estado Zulia VenezuelaPhone: +58-261-791-7592 Fax: +58-261-792-2885
Dutch Consulate in Puerto Cabello, VenezuelaNetherlands, Calle Puerto Cabello 3-70 , Puerto Cabello, VenezuelaPhone: +58-242 414 51 23 / 414 51 16 Fax: +58-242 361 55 40
Dutch Consulate in Punta Cardon, VenezuelaNetherlands, Calle Mucubaji 38 , Urb La Laguna-Judibana , Estado Falcon , VenezuelaPhone: +58-269-2407211 Fax: +58-269-2460430
Paraguayan Consulate in Caracas, VenezuelaParaguay, Quinta Helechales #4204, 4ta. Av. Entre 7ma. y 8va. Transversal, Altamira, Caracas, VenezuelaPhone: (+58) (212) 263 2559 Fax: (+58) (212) 267 5543
Peruvian Consulate in Puerto Ordaz, VenezuelaPeru, UrbanizaciCn Roraima Calle Roraima, con esquina de calle Aguila, Mz 4 asa No. 20Phone: +58-286-961-6225 ; +58-286-961-4945 Fax: +58-286-962-3865
Sammarinese Consulate in Caracas, VenezuelaSan Marino, Edificio Greco, Calle Vargas, Boleita NortePhone: +58-212-239-6856