Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Egyptian Consulate in Houston, United StatesEgypt, 5718 Westheimer Road , Suite 1350, Houston,Texas, 77057PHONE (1713)9614915-9614916-9614407 FAX (1713) 977-0323
Estonian Consulate in New York, United StatesEstonia, 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, Suite 6B, 305 East 47th St, NY 10017-2001
Estonian Consulate in Los Angeles, United StatesEstonia, 5273 Tendilla Avenue , Woodland Hills , CA 91364, USAPHONE (1 818) 340 5766
Estonian Consulate in Chicago, United StatesEstonia, 410 North Michigan Avenue , Chicago, IL 60611, USAPHONE (1 312) 595-2527, (1 847) 809-4388 FAX (312) 337 7960
Estonian Consulate in Portsmouth, United StatesEstonia, 179 Pleasant Street , Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801PHONE (1 603) 433 0929
Estonian Consulate in Houston, United StatesEstonia, 1912 Buschong, Houston, TX 77039, USAPHONE +281 442 8247 FAX +281 449 7642
Estonian Consulate in Seattle, United StatesEstonia, 950 N. 72nd Street, Suite 100, WA 98103PHONE 206-812-1033 FAX 206-284-4061
Ethiopian Consulate in Los Angeles, United StatesEthiopia, 3460 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 308, Los Angeles, CA, 90010PHONE (213) 365-6651
Micronesian Consulate in Honolulu, United StatesFederated States of Micronesia, 3049 Ualena Street, #408, Honolulu, HI 96819, Hawaii, U.S.A.PHONE (+1-808) 836-4775 FAX (+1-808) 836-6896
Micronesian Consulate in Guam, United StatesFederated States of Micronesia, P.O.Box 10630, 973 South Marine Drive, Former Hakubotan's Building, #201, Tamuning 96911, GuamPHONE (+1-671) 646-9154/6 FAX (+1-671) 649-6320