Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Dominican Consulate in Sun Valley, United StatesDominican Republic, 9001 Laurel Canyon Blvd. , Suite #204 , Sun Valley, CA 91352
Dominican Consulate in Miami, United StatesDominican Republic, 1038 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131
Dominican Consulate in CHICAGO, United StatesDominican Republic, 8700 w. Bryn Mawr, Ave., Suite 1300, Chicago, JL. 60631
Ecuadorian Consulate in Miami, United StatesEcuador, 1101 Brickell Ave., Suite M-102, Miami, FL. 33131PHONE (001 305) 539 8214 ext. 5; (001 305) 539 8215; (001 305) 373 8520 FAX (001 305) 539 8313
Ecuadorian Consulate in Atlanta, United StatesEcuador, 5505 Roswell Road, Suite 350, 30342PHONE (404) 746-5859; 252-2211 FAX (404) 252-8580
Ecuadorian Consulate in Boston, United StatesEcuador, 52 Cranberry Lane, Needham, MA 02492PHONE (001781) 4001212 - 7814440213 FAX (001781) 4559019
Ecuadorian Consulate in Chicago, United StatesEcuador, 30 South Michigan Ave. , Suite 204, Chicago, Ilinois 60603PHONE (001 312) 338 1002; (001 312) 228-1003 FAX (001 312) 338-1004
Ecuadorian Consulate in Dallas, United StatesEcuador, 7510 Acorn Lane Frisco, Texas 75034PHONE (001972) 712-9107 FAX (001928) 962-9869
Ecuadorian Consulate in Houston, United StatesEcuador, 4200 Westheimer, Suite 218, Houston, Texas 77027PHONE (001713) 572 8731 FAX (001713) 572 8732
Ecuadorian Consulate in Washington, D.C., United StatesEcuador, 2535 15th. Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20009PHONE (001202) 234 7166 FAX (001202) 265 9325