Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Bulgarian Consulate in TurkeyBulgaria, Ahmet Adnan Saygun caddesi 44 , 80600 2. Levent , Istanbul, TurkeyMr Alexander Velev - Consul GeneralPhone: (+90) 212 281 0115, (+90) 212 279 5837 Fax: (+90) 212 264 1011
Burkinabe Consulate in TurkeyBurkina Faso, Eski Beyekdere Cad. Ayazaga Yolu ezgi Plaza Maslak, 34398 Istanbul , TurkeyMr Cemil Faut Gandur - ConsulPhone: (+90) (212) 290 65 65 Fax: (+90) (212) 290 65 55
Burundian Consulate in TurkeyBurundi, ASC Hukuk Harmanci Giz Plaza, Kat: 15 34410 Levent , Istanbul, TurkeyMr Murat Aksu - ConsulPhone: (+90) (212) 284 98 82 Fax: (+90) (212) 284 98 83
Cambodian Consulate in TurkeyCambodia, Kambocya Fahri Baskonsoloslugu Park Plaza, Eski, Buyukdere cad.No. 22 Floor 17 Maslak, Sariyer, TurkeyMr. ALPHAN MANAS - Honorary ConsulPhone: +90 (212) 366 5086, 366 5050, 366 5055 Fax: (+90 (212) 366 5086
Cambodian Consulate in TurkeyCambodia, Mahatma Gandi Cad. No: 38/13, Kucukesat, 06700 Ankara, TurkeyVolkan Ozturk - Consul GeneralPhone: (+90) (312) 437 0663 Fax: (+90) (312) 437 0664
Consulate General of Cambodia in Ankara, TurkeyCambodia, Mahatma Gandi Cad. No: 38/13, Kucukesat, 06700 Ankara, TurkeyVolkan Ozturk - Consul GeneralPhone: (+90) (312) 437 0663 Fax: (+90) (312) 437 0664
Consulate General of Cameroon in istanbul, TurkeyCameroon, Universite Mah. Baglarici Cad. No:29 , 34320 Avcilar , Istanbul, TurkeyMr Osman Merzeci - Consul GeneralPhone: (+90) 212 676 01 28 Fax: (+90) 212 676 01 06
Canadian Consulate in Istanbul, TurkeyCanada, Istiklal Caddesi, No. 189/5, Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey, 34433
Chilean Consulate in Istanbul, TurkeyChile, Balmumcu - IstanbulPhone: +90-212- 272 5760 90-212-272 7549 Fax: +90-212- 274 2282
Chinese Consulate in Istanbul, TurkeyChile, Tarabya Mahallesi,Ahi Celebi Cad.Coban Cesme Sokak No.4, Sariyer, Istanbul, Turkey