Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Finnish Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandFinland, Consulat honoraire de Finlande, rue des Cordiers 14, 1207Phone: +41-22-786 42 66 fax: +41-22-786 49 97
Finnish Consulate in Luzern, SwitzerlandFinland, Honorarkonsulat von Finnland, Hochbuhlstrasse 18, 6003Phone:+(41-41) 210 3456 Fax: +(41-41) 210 3403
Finnish Consulate in Lugano, SwitzerlandFinland, Via Alla Campagna 2 A, 6904, Postal address: Honorarkonsulat von Finnland, Postfach 4154, 6904Phone: +(41-91) 973 3800 Fax: +(41-91) 972 2983
Finnish Consulate in Lausanne, SwitzerlandFinland, Consulat honoraire de Finlande, Place St-François 1, Case postale 7191, 1002Phone: +(41-21) 349 19 90 Fax: +(41-21) 349 19 91
Finnish Consulate in Basel, SwitzerlandFinland, Honorarkonsulat von Finnland, Ochsengasse 62, 4123 AllschwilPhone: +(41-61) 481 05 12 Fax: +(41-61) 481 07 12
Finnish Consulate in Zurich, SwitzerlandFinland, Honorargeneralkonsulat von Finnland, Design Team AG, Dufourstrasse 147, 8008Phone: +41 44 350 25 66 fax: +41 44 350 25 67
French Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandFrance, 2 cours des Bastions - 1205 Geneva, (Service des visas : 15 rue Guillaume de Marcossay - 1205 Geneve)
French Consulate in Zurich, SwitzerlandFrance, Signaustrasse 1 - 8008Phone: +[41] (0)44 268 85 85 / [41] (0)44 268 85 17 (service des Francais) Fax: +[41] (0)44 268 85 00
Ghanaian Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandGhana, Rue de Moillebeau 56 1209 GenevaPhone: +41-22.919.04.50 or 919.04.52 Fax: +41-22.734.91.61
Greek Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandGreece, 1, Rue Pedro Meylan, 1208 GenevePhone: +4122) 7353747, 7357390 Fax: +4122) 7869844