Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Pakistani Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandPakistan, 56, Rue de Moillebeau, Case postale 434, 1211 Geneva 19Phone: (+41-22) 7347760/8/9, 7347760, 7348085, 7344157 Fax: (+41-22) 7348085
Panamanian Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandPanama, Rue de Lausanne 72, 1202Phone: (+41) 22 715 04 50 Fax: (+41) 22 738 03 63
Peruvian Consulate in Geneve, SwitzerlandPeru, 17 Rue Des Pierres Du Nitton, Geneva 1207Phone: +41-22-7074917 Fax: +41-22-7074918
Filipino Consulate in Basel, SwitzerlandPhillippines, Innere Margarethenstrasse 2, 4002 BaselPhone: (+41) 61 278 99 88 Fax: (+41) 61 278 99 80
Filipino Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandPhillippines, Avenue Blanc 47, 1202 GenevePhone: (+41) 22 731 8320 / 9 fax: (+41) 22 731 6888
Polish Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandPoland, 15, chemin de L'Ancienne Route 1218, Le Grand-Saconnex
Qatari Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandQatar, 149b, Route de Ferney, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex/GenevaPhone: (+41-22) 7988500/1, 7988256 Fax: (+41-22) 7910485
Romanian Consulate in Bern, SwitzerlandRomania, Brunnadernstrasse 20, 3006 BernPhone: +(41) (31) 3523521 Fax: +(41) (31) 3523551
Rwandan Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandRwanda, Rue de Vermont 37/39, 4th floor 1202 , Geneve, Switzerland
Sahrawian, Sahraouian Consulate in Geneva, SwitzerlandSahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, 9, Rue de Vermont, 1202 Geneva, SwitzerlandPhone: (+41) 22 7403439 Fax: (+41) 22 7403479