Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Greek Consulate in Goteborg, SwedenGreece, stra Hamnagatan 16, 411 09 Gteborg, SwedenPhone: +46031) 7434880 Fax: +46031) 7434881
Greenlandic Consulate in Goteborg, SwedenGreenland, Ostra Hamngatan 13, Box 11045, S-404 21 GoteborgPhone: +46 (31) 424 260 Fax: +46 (31) 421 610
Greenlandic Consulate in Malmo, SwedenGreenland, Stortorget 13, Box 264, S-201 22 MalmoPhone: +46 (40) 123 344 fax: +46 (40) 611 9993
Guatemalan Consulate in Helsingborg, SwedenGuatemala, Carl Öhrnsgatan 5 254 43 Helsingborg, SwedenPhone: +46 (0)42 18 44 17 Fax: +46 (0)42 18 44 17
Honduran Consulate in Gotemburg, SwedenHonduras, Prastgardsangen 11, P.O. BOX: 35006 400 24 GotemburgPhone: +46 31 203422 Fax: +46 31 206990
Hungarian Consulate in Stockholm, SwedenHungary, Laboratoriegatan 2, 115 27, Box 24 125, 104 51
Jamaican Consulate in Stockholm, SwedenJamaica, Knackepilsgrand 39, 16576 HasselbyMR. LENNART O. ANDERSONPhone: +468-38-0797 Fax: +468-739-0034
Latvian Consulate in Goteborg, SwedenLatvia, Hamngatan 23, 44030 Marstrand (Gothenburg), SwedenPhone: (+46) 705860606 Fax: (+46-30) 360827
Latvian Consulate in Nybro, Kalmar, SwedenLatvia, Klaragatan 4, 38282 Nybro, SwedenPhone: (+46-481) 15783
Latvian Consulate in Skanor-Falsterbo, SwedenLatvia, Honorary Consulate of Latvia, Jöns Lärares Grand 4, 23935 Skanör, SwedenPhone: (+46-40) 6902400 Fax: (+46-40) 6118609