Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Honorary Consulate of Azerbaijan in BratislavaAzerbaijan, 80101 Klobucnika 4, 80101 BratislavaMr. JALAL J.QASIMOV - Honorary Consul
Bahamian Consulate in BratislavaBahamas, Rybárska brána 8, 811 08 BratislavaDr Michal Lazar - Consul(+421) (2) 20 63 44 43
Bangladeshi Consulate in BratislavaBangladesh, Pod zehradami 41 , 841 01 BratislavaMr etefan Petkanic - Consul(+421) 2 6428 8842
Belarussian Consulate in TrstenaBelarus, Osadske 679/15 028, 01 TrstenoMr Marien Muren - Consul(+421) (43) 539 33 00
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in KosiceBelgium, Hlavna 75 , 04001 KosiceDaniël ROTTIERS - Honorary Consul421 55 789 60 02
Chilean Consulate in BratislavaChile, Klzava 31/C, 831 01 Bratislava421-2-54791644
Czech Consulate in BratislavaCzech Rep, Na vrsku 1, 811 01 Bratislava
Danish Consulate in BratislavaDenmark, Letecka 10, 831 07, Bratislava421 (2) 5441 8470
Salvadoran Consulate in BratislavaEl Salvador, Zahradnicka 62, 82105, Bratislava(+421-2) 55646862
Finnish Consulate in BratislavaFinland, Fa Expoline, Moyzesova 5, SK-81105, Bratislava421-2-5443 4774
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