Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Slovak Consulate in Lima, PeruSlovakia, Angamos Oeste Nro. 1626Phone: (+51-1) 2212585, 2212586 Fax: (+51-1) 4222249
South African Consulate in Lima, PeruSouth Africa, Avenida Camino Real 1252, Oldeina 2 'R', Postal Add:, Consulado Honorario de Sudàfrica, P O Box 27-013, L27 LimaPhone: + 511 422 2280 Fax: + 511 442 7154
Spanish Consulate in Arequipa, PeruSpain, Ugarte Nro. 218, 2do. piso Arequipa PeruPhone: (+51) (54) 214977 Fax: (+51) (54) 214977
Spanish Consulate in Callao, PeruSpain, Colen Nro. 260, Callao PeruPhone: (+51) 1 429-6050 Fax: (+51) 1 465-7730
Spanish Consulate in Cusco, PeruSpain, Calle Belen 307, Cusco, PeruMr Carlos Augusto Somocurcio Alarcon - Vice ConsulPhone: (+51) 84 24 2224 Fax: (+51) 84 22 1944
Spanish Consulate in Iquitos, PeruSpain, Jr. Putumayo 559, Iquitos, PeruWalter Boria Rubio - Vice-ConsulPhone: (+51) 65 23 1608 Fax: (+51) 65 23 1602
Spanish Consulate in Piura, PeruSpain, Av. Grau Nro. 370 , Piura PeruPhone: (+51) (73) 326310 Fax: (+51) (73) 326310 / 327020
Spanish Consulate in Trujillo, PeruSpain, Calle Pizarro Nro. 446 , Trujillo PeruPhone: (+51) (44) 244392 / 249972 Fax: (+51) (44) 242515
Swedish Consulate in Arequipa, PeruSweden, Urbanizacion Bello Horizonte I-2 Cayma, Arequipa PeruMr Alfredo Roberts Billig - Honorary ConsulPhone: (+51) 54 25 1499 Fax: (+51) 54 25 1499
Swedish Consulate in Lima, PeruSweden, Marea 130, cuadra 6 Av, Conquistadores San Isidro , Lima PeruMr Lars Andren - Honorary ConsulPhone: +51 (1) 442 8905 Fax: +51 (1) 421 3295