Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Ecuadorian Consulate in Piura, PeruEcuador, Avenida Chirichigno N 505 y, Urbanizacion El Chipe, Provincia y Departamento de Piura, Casilla Postal 440Phone: + 5173) 30 8027 Fax: +5173) 30 9959
Ecuadorian Consulate in Tumbes, PeruEcuador, Jiron Bolivar 129, Plaza Armas, Tumbes, PeruPhone: +5172) 521739 Fax: +5172) 525949
Salvadoran Consulate in Lima, PeruEl Salvador, Tomas Ramsey N? 965 MagdalenaPhone: (+51-1) 4602239, 4619327, 4602323 Fax: (+51-1) 4602270
Finnish Consulate in Arequipa, PeruFinland, Consulado honorario de Finlandia, Bolognesi 301, JanahuaraPhone: from abroad +51 54 255 858, from Peru 054 255 858 Fax: +51-54-252 221
Finnish Consulate in Cusco, PeruFinland, Consulado honorario de Finlandia, Avenida Pardo 1046Phone: +(51-84) 252 721 Fax: +(51-84) 234 793
Finnish Consulate in Lima, PeruFinland, Santa Margarita 350, San Isidro, Lima 27Phone: + 511 - 211 0606
French Consulate in Lima, PeruFrance, Avenida Arequipa 3415, San Isidro
Greenlandic Consulate in Lima, PeruGreenland, Bernardo Monteagudo 201, San Isidro, Lima 27Phone: +51 (1) 264 4040 Fax: +51 (1) 264 4050
Guyanese Consulate in Lima, PeruGuyana, Av. José Pardo 231 piso 4 - Miraflores Lima 18 PeruPhone: +(511) 4476688 fax: +(511) 4455399
Honduran Consulate in Lima, PeruHonduras, Ave. Las Camelias 491 Oficina 202 San IsidroPhone: +(511) 422-8111 / (511) 422-8112 Fax: +(511) 221-1677