Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Indonesian Consulate in Panama City, PanamaIndonesia, Calle 50 Edifico Credit Corp., Piso - 302, PanamaPhone: +(507) 210-0041 Fax: +(507) 210-0042
Irish Consulate in Panama, PanamaIreland, Bank Boston Building, 14th Floor, P.O. Box 1774, Zona 9AHonorary Consul: Dr. Juan Carlos RosasPhone: +507 264 6633 Fax: +507 264 0269
Jamaican Consulate in PanamaJamaica, Suite 406-407, 4th Floor – Tower B, Torres de Las Americas, Punta Pacifica, Panama City, Republic of PanamaMRS. JUDITH EDWARDS - HONORARY CONSULPhone: +5087 399 8892 Fax: +507 216 9298
Dutch Consulate in Panama, PanamaNetherlands, Condominio Tower Plaza,, 1er piso, Calles 50 y Beatriz m. CabalPhone: +(507) 264.72.57 Fax: +(507) 264.72.57
Nicaraguan Consulate in Panama, PanamaNicaragua, Avenida F. Boyd y Calle 50, Apartado 772, Panama-CityPhone: (+507) 5646431 Fax: (+507) 2644322
Filipino Consulate in Panama City, PanamaPhilippines, P.O. Box 6-2319Phone: (+507) 2641355 Fax: (+507) 2641168
Polish Consulate in Panama City, PanamaPoland, Calle Anastacio Ruiz, Urb. Marbella, Ciudad de Panama, Apartado Postal 8782, PanamaPhone: +(507) 263 6254, 263 5097 Fax +(507) 223 3717
Sammarinese Consulate in Panama, PanamaSan Marino, Edificio PH Condesa de Mar # 33 , Avenida Balboa, Apartado Postal 55-0122Phone: (+507) 2141703 Fax: (+507) 2141709
South African Consulate in Panama, PanamaSouth Africa, Calle 50 y Calle 69, Edificio Plaza Guadalupe, Oficina 404, San Francisco, Ciudad de Panama, P.O. Box 11 111 Panama 6 PanamaPhone: + 507 226 2559 Fax: + 507 226 9966
Swedish Consulate in Panama, PanamaSweden, Ed.Galerias Balboa, lokal # 19, primer alto, Av. Balboa y Calle Aquilino de la Guardia, Panama CityUlla-Maj Velander de Carben - Consul GeneralPhone: (+507) 264 37 48 Fax: (+507) 264 63 58