Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Australian Consulate in PanamaAustralia, San Francisco, Punta Pacifica, P.H., Oceania Business Plaza, Torre 2000, Floor 42, Street Isaac Hanono Misrri & Boulevard Punta Pacifica, Panama City, PanamaPhone: +(507) 397 6400 Fax: +(507) 397 6409
Austrian Consulate in PanamaAustralia, Calle Sevilla Casa F 7b, Villa de las Fuentes Nr. 1 Apartado 0818 , 00160 Betania , Panama City, PanamaReinhilde Hauser-Monsberger - Consul GeneralPhone: (+507) 260 45 25 Fax: (+507) 260 88 39
Bahamian Consulate in PanamaBahamas, Edificio Vista Bella Jose G. Duque, # 20 La Cresta Apdo. Postal 6-1054, El Dorado , Panama City, PanamaMr Facundo Ignacio Bacardi - ConsulPhone: (+507) 223-4911 Fax: (+507) 269-0193
Barbadian Consulate in PanamaBarbados, Winston Churchill Street, Villa Marina Building Apartment No. 14B, Punta , Paitilla , PanamaDr Camilo Alleyne - ConsulPhone: (+507) 7-2655802
Belgian Consulate in PanamaBelgium, Credicorp Plaza, Calle 50 – Piso 31, Oficina 31-A , Panama City , PanamaKoenraad Lenaerts - Ambassador
Belizean Consulate in PanamaBelize, Edificio Atalaya e Planta Baja, Oficina No.3 Ave. , Balboa y Calle 32 Este , Apto. Postal 2732, 9-A Colon, PanamaLuis Antonio Vasquez Jaramillo - Honorary ConsulPhone: (+507) 227-0997, (+507) 227-1697 Fax: (+507) 227-0947
Belizean Consulate in PanamaBelize, Calle 53 Marbella 1st Floor, Office M1-4C, orld Trade Center Building, Panama City, PanamaMr Mehmet Hamdi Karagozolu - Honorary ConsulPhone: (+507) 294-77-77 Fax: (+507) 294-77-98, (+507) 269-99-10
Bolivian Consulate in PanamaBolivia, Calle 14, Av. Roosevelt, Edificio No 5, Zona 3 , Colon, PanamaAlberto C. Motta Jr. - ConsulPhone: (+507) 433-2000 int.517 (+507) 433-2526 Fax: (+507) 441-5339
Costa Rican Consulate in Ciudad De Panama, PanamaCosta Rica, Calle Samuel Lewin, Edificio Plaza Omega 3 piso, a un costado del Santuario Nacional, Ciudad de Panama, PanamaPhone: +507) 264-2937 /223-5612 Fax: +507) 264-6348
Costa Rican Consulate in David, PanamaCosta Rica, Frente a la Policlínica Edificio Malami, Altos Oficentro Vega Oficina No. 9 David, PanamaPhone: +507) 774-1923 Fax: +507) 774-1923