Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Algerian Consulate in NigerAlgeria, BP 175, Agadez, NigerPhone: (+227) 20 44 01 17, (+227) 20 44 04 83 Fax: (+227) 20 44 04 83
Austrian Consulate in NigerAustria, 468, Avenue des Zarmakoy BP , 12040 Niamey , NigerSeini Yaye - ConsulPhone: (+227) 20 75 55 83, (+227) 20 75 50 91 Fax: (+227) 20 75 50 92
Belgian Consulate in NigerAustria, Route du 1er Pont (à côté du Grand Hôtel) , B.P. 12.014, Niamey , NigerPhone: +227 20 734 719, +227 20 733 447 Fax: +227 20 733 756
Burkinabe Consulate in NigerBurkina Faso, Route de Tillabery 1605, B.P. 10348 , Niamey, NigerLazare Gansore - Consul GeneralPhone: (+227) 20 72 60 92 / 3 Fax: (+227) 20 72 60 91
Czech Consulate in Niamey, NigerCzech Republic, ulice jsou beze jmena, , HK je cca 500 m od ZU USA, Niamey B.P. 11888, Niamey B.P. 11888Phone: +227/20724288, 00227/21765247, 00227/20735805 Fax: +227/20734986
Danish Consulate in Niamey, NigerDenmark, Bureau de Cooperation Danoise DANIDA B.P. 11856Phone: +227 723948 Fax: +227 735399
French Consulate in Niamey, NigerFrance, Route de Tondibia - BP 10660
French Consulate in Niamey, NigerFrance, Route de Tondibia - BP 10660Phone: +[227] 20 73 99 56 / 88 628 05 44 (pour la prise de rendez-vous)
Malian Consulate in Niamey, NigerMali, Boîte Postale 10115, Boulevard de la Liberté, Niamey, NigerPhone: (+227) 20754188, 20723290 fax: (+227) 20754290, 20754369