Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
South African Consulate in No 2 Place Winston Churchill, Luxembourg
Africa, BP 425 l-2014, Luxembourg, -, -, -
Phone: + 352 44 66 440 Fax: + 352 44 25 55 -
Honorary Consulate of Armenia in Bertrange, Luxembourg
Armenia, 36, rue de Luxembourg, L-8077 , Bertrange, Luxembourg
Honorary Consul: Mr. Frank EngelPhone: +(352) 26315740 fax: +(352) 26315750 -
Consulate of Bangladesh in Luxembourg Ville, Luxembourg
Bangladesh, Rue Jean L-Aveugle 12, 148 Luxembourg Ville, Luxembourg
Mr Thierry Reisch – ConsulPhone: (+352) 27 779 988 Fax: (+352) 27 779 989 -
Honorary Consulate of Brazil in Luxembourg Ville, Luxembourg
Brazil, 20, rue General Major Lunsford E. Oliver , 2225 Luxembourg Ville, Luxembourg
Mr Daniel Tesch – ConsulPhone: (+352) 26 45 88 87 -
Honorary Consulate of Bulgaria in Luxembourg Ville, Luxembourg
Bulgaria, 29, rue Alphonse Munchen, 2172 Luxembourg Ville, Luxembourg
Mr Dimitri Zois – ConsulPhone: (+352) 44 89 23 Fax: (+352) 44 88 87 -
Honorary Consulate of Burkina Faso in Luxembourg Ville, Luxembourg
Burkina Faso, 55, rue de Luxembourg , BP 20 8401, Steinfort , Luxembourg
Mr Charles Kieffer – ConsulPhone: (+352) 39 00 83 – 201 Fax: (+352) 39 00 96 – 301 -
Honorary Consulate of Burundi in Ettelbruck, Luxembourg
Burundi, 1-3 rue Prince Henri, B.P. 6, 9001 Ettelbruck , Luxembourg
Mr Marc Karier – ConsulPhone: (+352) 81 23 18 Fax: -
Consulate of Canada in Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Canada, Honorary Consulate of Canada, 15, rue Guillaume Schneider, L-2522 Luxembourg, Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
Marie-Claire Goller-Faber - Honorary Consul of Canada -
Consulate of the Comoros - LuxembourgPhone: (352) 456 790-444 343 Fax: (352) 456 792-445 795
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Cyprus in Jean-Baptiste Fresez, Luxembourg
Cyprus, 36, rue Jean-Baptiste Fresez, L-1542 Luxembourg
Phone: +352) 43032253, 223035 Fax: +352) 43033182, 463041