Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Honorary Consulate of Grenada in Seoul, South KoreaGrenada, Rm #408 Myongji Building 58-17 Suhsomun-Dong, Chung Ku Seoul, South KoreaPHONE 82-2 755-3112 FAX 82-2-757-5779
Grenadian Consulate in SeoulGrenada, Rm #408 Myongji Building 58-17 Suhsomun-Dong, Chung Ku Seoul82-2 755-3112
Consulate of Honduras in SeoulHonduras, Chongro Tower Bldg. 6, Chongro 2-Ga, Chongro-Ku 110-789, P.O. BOX: 2615822-738-8402
Consulate of Honduras in Seoul, South KoreaHonduras, Chongro Tower Bldg. 6, Chongro 2-Ga, Chongro-Ku 110-789, P.O. BOX:2615PHONE +822-738-8402 FAX +822-738-8403
Irish Consulate in SeoulIreland, Head Office, Korea Air, 1370 Gonghang-dong, Kangseo-kuHonorary Consul General: Cho Yang Ho82-2-2656-7031
Honorary Consul of Ireland in Seoul, South KoreaIreland, Head Office, Korea Air, 1370 Gonghang-dong, Kangseo-kuHonorary Consul General: Cho Yang HoPHONE +82-2-2656-7031 FAX +82-2-2656-7081
General Consulate of Italy in Seoul,South KoreaItaly, 1-398, Hannam-Dong, Yongsan-Ku
Italian Consulate in SeoulItaly, 1-398, Hannam-Dong, Yongsan-Ku, Seoul
Jamaican Consulate General in South KoreaJamaica, 5th Floor, Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu, 135-881Honorary Consul-General: Mr. Yung Woo YoonPhone: +82-25541915 Fax: +82-2565-5636
Jamaican Consulate in SeoulJamaica, 5th Floor, Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu, 135-881, SeoulHonorary Consul-General: Mr. Yung Woo Yoon82-25541915