Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Swazi Consulate General in Rome, ItalySwaziland, Via Salaria, 298 e II piano, int. 9 00186 , Roma, ItalyPhone: (+39) 06 6786481 Fax: (+39) 06 6786481
Honorary Consulate of Sweden,Victoria, SeychellesSweden, Bodco Building 1st floor, New Port, Victoria, MahéHonorary Consul: Ms Vivienne SoundyPhone: +248 42 85 700 office fax: +248 422 40 65
Honorary Consulate of Sweden, MombasaSweden, Mama Ngina Drive, near Mombasa Golf Club, Kizingo, MombasaHonorary Consul: Mr Omar BajabarPhone: +254 20 268 39 42 office
Consulate of Tanzania in MombasaTanzania, TSS TOWERS 12th FLR NKRUMAH ROAD, PO BOX 1422 Mombasa KenyaPHONE LOCAL: (041) 222.8595 International: + FAX LOCAL: (041) 222.2837 International: +
High Commission of Tanzania in NairobiTanzania, 9th Floor, Reinsurance Plaza, Taifa Road, P.O. BOX 47790 -00100, NairobiPhone: 312027, 311948, 311950 Fax: 218269
Ugandan Consulate in Mombasa, KenyaPhone: (+254) (11) 222 105 Fax: (+254) (11) 223 733
High Commission of Zambia in KenyaZambia, P.O.Box 48741, Nairobi, KenyaPHONE (+254-20) 2724850 / 2724796 / 2724799 Fax: (+254-20) 2718494
Zimbabwean Embassy in Nairobi, KenyaZimbabwe, 111/192 Mumwe Avenue, Runda, P.O. Box 693, Nairobi, KenyaPHONE 254-20-374-4052 / 374-6546 FAX 254-20-374-8079