Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Cape Verdean Honorary Consulate in Florence, ItalyCape Verde, Via Tornabuoni, 4 50123 Firenze ItalyFernanda Martelli, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+39) 055 216 689 Fax: (+39) 055 211 883
Cape Verdean Honorary Consulate in Naples, ItalyCape Verde, Via Torino, 6 80142 Napoli ItalyMr Giuseppe Ricciulli, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+39) 081 264 909 Fax: (+39) 081 554 4930
Cape Verdean Honorary Consulate in Palermo, ItalyCape Verde, Via Giuseppe de Spuches, 5 90141 Palermo ItalyAntoinetta Alongi, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+39) 091 611 2144 Fax: (+39) 091 612 0568
Cape Verdean Honorary Consulate in Turin, ItalyCape Verde, Via Saluzzo, 58 Via Saluzzo, 58 ItalyMr Piergiorgio Gilli, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+39) 011 655 866 fax: (+39) 011 669 8096
Cape Verdean Honorary Consulate in Verona, ItalyCape Verde, Via Pietro Frattini, 3 37121 Verona ItalyPasquale Adilardi, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+39) 045 693 2563 Fax: (+39) 045 222 2771
Chilean Honorary Consulate in Florence, ItalyChile, Piazza Carlo Goldoni, 2 50123 Firenze ItalyMaria Teresa Ricasoli Firidolfi Zanchini Marsuppini, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+39) 055 290 270 (+39) 338 141 3740
Chilean Honorary Consulate in Genoa, ItalyChile, Corso Carbonara 10 16125 Genova ItalyMr Gian Luca Chiavari, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+39) 010 272 2441 Fax: (+39) 010 272 2441
Chilean Consulate General in Milan, ItalyChile, Vía Ricasoli 2 20121 Milan ItalyMr Guillermo Martinez Spikin, Consul General
Chilean Honorary Consulate in Modena, ItalyChile, Vía Curtatona 5/2 41100, Modena ItalyMr Rodrigo Vergara Meersohn, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+39) 05 941 2412 Fax: (+39) 05 941 2567
Chilean Honorary Consulate in Naples, ItalyChile, Via Medina, 5 80133 Napoli ItalyMr Maurizio Di Stefano, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+39) 081 551 4540