Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Croatian Consulate in Nagykanizsa, HungaryCroatia, Rozgonyi u. 1. 8800 Nagykanizsa HungaryMr Mijo Karagic, ConsulPhone: (+36) 93 310 532 Fax: (+36) 93 310 532
Eritrean Honorary Consulate in Budapest, HungaryEritrea, Szirom u.7 2040 Budaörs HungaryHaile Tesfay, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+36) 23-423-041 Fax: (+36) 1 481-9506
Estonian Honorary Consulate General in Budapest, HungaryEstonia, Puskin u. 3. Block i / 204 University of Budapest (ELTE) Finno-Ugrian Department Budapest 1088 HungaryDr András Bereczki, Honorary Consul GeneralPhone: (+36) 1 485 5200 (+36) 1 485 5409 Fax: (+36) 1 485 5253
Ethiopian Honorary Consulate in Budapest, HungaryEthiopia, Bécsi út 223., 1st floor. 2 1048 Budapest HungaryDr Asheber Wanna, Honorary Consul
Finnish Honorary Consulate in Debrecen, HungaryFinland, Szechenyi u. 46 4025 Debrecen HungaryMr Ferenc Miklossy, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+36) 52 513 714 (+36) 20-955 9401 Fax: (+36) 52 513 715
Finnish Honorary Consulate in Szeged, HungaryFinland, Rerrich tér 1. 6720 Szeged HungaryMr Csaba Visy, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+36) 62 544 667 (+36) 30 257 1798 Fax: (+36) 62 546 482
Finnish Honorary Consulate in Miskolc, HungaryFinland, University of Miskolc IKKK E/7. VII floor 712. 3515 Miskolc HungaryMr Csaba Deak, Honorary ConsulPone: (+36) 46 565 241 (+36) 30 678 6494 Fax:
Finnish Honorary Consulate in Pecs, HungaryFinland, Nagyvárad u. 23 7623 Pécs HungaryMr György Kator, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+36) 72 511 058 (+36) 20 9310 126 Fax: (+36) 72 511 059
Finnish Honorary Consulate in Veszprem, HungaryFinland, Hotel Villa Medici Kittenberger Kálmán u. 11 8200 Veszprém HungaryMs Edit Neubauer, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+36) 88 590 070 (+36) 30 216 6969 Fax: (+36) 88 590 070
French Honorary Consulate in Szeged, HungaryFrench, c/o Alliance Française Dugonics tér 2 6720 Szeged HungaryEric Blin, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+36) 20 532 46 86