Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Hungarian Honorary Consulate in Tegucigalpa, HondurasHungary, Ave. Republica de Panamá, No. 2172. 2do piso Colonia Palmira Tegucigalpa HondurasJosé Pedro Handal Bendeck, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+504) 2263-4700 Fax; (+504) 2262-4000
Icelandic Honorary Consulate in Tegucigalpa, HondurasIceand, Municipio de Santa Lucia Barrie el Mondoguito Dpto Francisco Morazán Tegucigalpa HondurasJulia Sánchez Colindres, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+504) (2) 779 0091 Fax: (+504) (2) 779 0041
Indian Honorary Consulate General in Tegucigalpa, HondurasIndia, Edificio Dromeinter 4002, Frente Codis Tegucigalpa HondurasMr Alex Kafie, Honorary Consul GeneralPhone: (+504) 2221 5080 Fax: (+504) 2236 8900
Italian Honorary Vice Consulate in Roatan, HondurasItalia, c/o Hotel Harry Morgan Roatán, Islas de Bahia HondurasPiero di Battista, Honorary Vice-ConsulPhone: (+504) 2445 5131 Fax; (+504) 2445 5013
Italian Honorary Consulate in San Pedro Sula, HondurasItalia, c/o COMITSA Km 5, carretera al aeropuerto, Sector Arenales San Pedro Sula HondurasRiccardo Bizzari, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+504) 2559-4400 / 2 (+504) 2558-6336
Jamaican Honorary Consulate in Tegucigalpa, HondurasJamaica, Final Av, Los Proceres P. O. Box 152 Tegucigalpa HondurasMr Eduardo Kafie, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+504) 22-369-655 (+504) 22-365-932 Fax; (+504) 22-365-826
Lebanese Honorary Consulate in San Pedro Sula, HondurasLebanon, Centro Comercial Mega Plaza 8, Apartment Tower P.O. Box 948 San Pedro Sula HondurasRachid Maalouf, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+504) 5580 6161
Luxembourg Honorary Consulate in Tegucigalpa, HondurasLuxembourg, Calle entre final Avenida los Proceres y Bvd Morazan Barrio Sabanagrande P.O. Box 434 Tegucigalpa HondurasMr Henry David Kafie, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+504) 2221 0220 (+504) 2221 0308 Fax: (+504) 2221 0269
Mexican Consulate in San Pedro Sula, HondurasMexico, Barrio Rio De Piedras 7 Calle Suroeste y 18 Avenida Monterrey Apartado Postal 26 San Pedro Sula HondurasJosé Omar Hurtado Contreras, Consul
Moroccan Honorary Consulate in Tegucigalpa, HondurasMorocco, IMAPRO Colonia El Prado, Atrás de la Toyota Tegucigalpa HondurasMr Juan Antonio Bendeck, Honorary ConsulPhone: (+504) 225 1758 Fax: (+504) 225 1783