Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Kiwi Consulate in HamburgNew Zealand, Zurich-Haus, Domstrasse 19, 20095Consul-General and Trade Commissioner: Marcus Scoliege49-40-442-5550
Nigerien Consulate in HamburgNigeria, Chile-Haus Portal A/IV. OG., 20095Consul: Dr. Joachim Krumhoff(+49) 40-33 97 91 16
Nigerien Consulate in MunichNigeria, Ludwig Thoma-Strasse 13, 82031 GrüunwaldConsul: Mr Carl Wiedmeier(+49) 89-6 49 20 82
Norwegian Consulate General in DusseldorfNorway, E.ON-Platz 1 40479 DusseldorfDr Johannes Teyssen - Consul General(+49) 211 457 94 49
Norwegian Consulate in StuttgartNorway, c/o Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Porscheplatz 1, 7043549 711 - 911 64 66
Norwegian Consulate in HanoverNorway, Podbielskistrasse 158 30177 HannoverMr Manfred Middendorff - Consul(+49) 511 530 55 25
Norwegian Consulate in Frankfurt am MainNorway, Neue Mainzer Strasse 75 60311 Frankfurt am MainDr Karl-L. Koenen - Consul(+49) 69 13108 15
Norwegian Consulate in BremenNorway, Faulenstrasse 2-12 28195 BremenMr Hans-Christian Specht - Consul(+49) 421 303 42 93
Norwegian Consulate in HamburgNorway, Caffamacherreihe 5 20355 HamburgMr Detlef Palm - Consul(+49) 40 325 091 60
Omani Consulate in FrankfurtOman, Feuerbachstrasse 26-32, 60325 Frankfurt a.M49 69/170079-0