Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Swedish Consulate in EsbjergSweden, Dokken 10, 4, 6700 Esbjerg45 (-) 788 91 90 00
Swedish Consulate in GrenaaSweden, Sveriges konsulat, Færgevej 1, 8500 Grenaa, Postbox 15045 96 20 02 90
Swedish Consulate in HelsingorSweden, WTC Advokaterne A/S, Stengade 37, 3000 HelsingørHonorary Consul: Margrete Elna Steen45 48 22 00 40
Swedish Consulate in OdenseSweden, Vestergade 97-101, 5000 Odense C, Postbox 927Honorary Consul: Jens Hempel-Hansen45 63 12 82 00
Tanzanian Consulate in OtterupTanzania, Gothersgade 21 DK- 1123 Copenhagen45 33 16 49 00
Uruguayan Consulate in CopenhagenUruguay, Sluseholmen 8 A 2450 , Copenhagen SV(+45) 3326 5169