Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Panamanian Consulate in BarranquillaPanama, Edificio Fincar, Oficinas 207-208, Carrera 57, No. 72-25, Barranquilla(+57) (5) 360 1870
Consulate of Peru in BarrannquillaPeru, Calle 98 Carrera 65 Esquina, Barranquilla(+57) 5 3616750
Polish Consulate in BarranquillaPoland, Carrera 57 nr 72-44(+57-5) 3452630
Polish Consulate in MedellinPoland, Calle Circular 4 No. 66B-09(00-57) 311-516-9240
Spanish Consulate in CartagenaSpain, Claustro Santo Domingo Plaza, Santo Domingo Carrera 36 n.e 2-74 , Cartagena(+57) 5 664 16 44
Honorary Consulate of SwedenSweden, Calle 16 A sur No. 30-53, El Poblado, MedellinMr Gustavo Alberto Molina - Honorary Consul(+57) 4 314 1338
Swedish Consulate in CartagenaSweden, Sociedad Portuaria de Cartagena S.A. Barrio Manga, Terminal Maritimo, Direccien Comericial Bloque Administrativo, 2do piso Cartagena ColombiaMr Manuel Giovanni Benedetti Rodriguez - Honorary Consul(+57) 5 650 2232
American Consulate in BarranquillaUSA, Calle 77B # 57-141, suite 51157-5-353-2001
Venezuelan Consulate in MedellinVenezuela, Antioquia Calle 32 B # 69 - 59 Barrio Belén - Rosales, Medellin