Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Hungarian Consulate in BogotaHungary, Calle 92 No 15-48 Oficina 404Honorary Consul: Dr. Ildiko Szegedy-Maszak57-311-531-1128
Hungarian Consulate in Cartagena de IndiasHungary, Cartagena de Indias (Bocagrande) Carrera 1 Numero 6-106 Edificio MAT ADENTRO, , Office 101Honorary Consul: Ricardo Lequerica0057-315-735-40-45
Irish Consulate in BogotaIreland, De Las Americas 56-41Honorary Consul: Carlos Gomez Lecompte+ 571 4466114
Jamaican Consulate in San AndresJamaica, Optica San Andres, Local 2, Transversal 2, San Andres IslandHONORARY CONSUL: MR SAMUEL ROBINSON DAVIS578 512 5471
Maltese Consulate in BogotaMalta, Las Villas, Apartado Aereo No. 65-30, Santa Fe de Bogota0057 (01) 522 0563
Dutch Consulate in BarranquillaNetherlands, Calle 77B No. 57-141 Oficina 806, Barranquilla(+57 5) 368 83 87
Dutch Consulate in MedellinNetherlands, Calle 52 No. 47-42 Oficina 1001 Edificio, Coltejer, Medellin(+57 4) 514 07 56
New Zealand Consulate in BogotaHonorary Consul: Annette Pearson57-1-633-1322
Norwegian Consulate in BarranquillaNorway, Cra. 52 No. 85-24Consul Christian Ostbye
Pakistani Consulate in BogotaPakistan, Diogonal 109 No. 18-72,, Santa Fe de Bogota