Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Mexican Honorary Consulate in ConcepciónMexico, Ongomo 532, planta baja, ConcepciónMr Carlos Céspedes, Honorary Consul(+56) (41) 246 2047
Monegasque Honorary Consulate General in SantiagoMonaco, Av. Plaza 1155, depto. 202 B, Las Condes SantiagoMrs Danièle Biancheri-Quintana, Honorary Consul General(+56) 2 2955 2034
Montenegrin Honorary Consulate in TalcaMontenegro, Cerro Pullunquen 1508, San JavierJosé Manuel Romero Tomasevich, Honorary Consul(+56) 991 953 807
Moroccan Honorary Consulate in ValparaisoMorocco, Av. España 1680, ValparaísoDavid Dahma, Honorary Consul(+56) 32 265 4137
Mozambican Honorary Consulate in SantiagoMozambique, Calle Lago Pellaifa, Parcela 18 D Santiago, BatucoAntonio Sala Alvear, Honorary Consul(+56) 2 2733 1772
Netherlands Honorary Consulate in ConcepciónNetherlands, Caupolican 567, oficina 605, Edificio La Hechicera, ConcepciónVíctor Herrera Barragán, Honorary Consul(+56) 41 273 9197
Netherlands Honorary Consulate in ValparaisoNetherlands, 6 Norte 655, Viña del MarJhr. Ocker Gevaerts, Honorary Consul(+56) 32-238 7052
Norwegian Honorary Consulate in IquiqueNorway, Zeger 24, IquiqueMr Harry S. Dawson, Honorary Consul(+56) 9 9084 3994
Panamanian Consulate in ValparaisoPanama, Calle Adriana 154, Recreo. Viña del Mar ValparaísoMr Mark Low, Consul(+56) 32-262 6975
Paraguayan Honorary Consulate in AntofagastaParaguay, M. A. Matta 1839, oficina 1301 Edificio El Obelisco, AntofagastaMiguel Santiago Bascuñan, Honorary Consul(+56) 55 2223-595