Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Canadian Honorary Consulate in BujumburaCanada, 4708 Boulevard de l’Uprona Rohero II, 7112 Bujumbura(+257) 22 245 898
Comoran Honorary Consulate in BujumburaComoros Islands, B.P. 2334, Bujumbura(+257) 22 226 097
Cypriot Honorary Consulate in BujumburaCyprus, 15 Avenue de la R.D.Congo BujumburaMr Georges Coucoulis, Honorary Consul(+257) 22 224 551
Danish Honorary Consulate in BujumburaDenmark, Route Nationale, Nr 5-T 15 B.P. 2880, BujumburaMr Michael Andersen, Honorary Consul
Greek Honorary Consulate in BujumburaGreece, Avenue de la R.D. Congo Centre Ville, B.P. 1660, BujumburaMr George Coucoulis, Honorary Consul(+257) 22 242 532
Italian Honorary Consulate in BujumburaItaly, BujumburaDr Antonio Zivieri, Honorary Consul(+257) 7 117 3657
Mexican Honorary Consulate in BujumburaMexico, c/o Interbank Burundi S.A. 15 Rue de L´industrie, B. P. 2970 BujumburaCallixte Mutabazi, Honorary Consul(+257) 2222 0629
Monegasque Honorary Consulate in BujumburaMonaco, 2 Av. Rutana, Rohero I B.P. 1797, BujumburaSpès Nihangaza, Honorary Consul(+257)
Romanian Honorary Consulate in BujumburaRomania, Quartier Ngagara, Boulevard de L’Agriculture no. 8, BujumburaMr Zachari Masinzo, Honorary Consul(+257) 759 729 52
Swiss Representative Office in BujumburSwitzerland, Coordination régionale des Grands Lacs Boulevard Patrice Lumumba 18 C.P. 7057, Bujumbura(+257) 22 24 49 32