Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Senegalese Honorary Consulate in ViennaSenegal, Girardigasse 6, 1060 WienMr Ferdinand Gaugeler, Honorary Consul(+43) (1) 512 85 76
Serbian Consulate General in SalzburgSerbia, Schallmoser Hauptstrasse 99 5020 SalzburgOlivera Starcevic, Consul(+43) 662 845-254
Seychellois Honorary Consulate General in ViennaSeychelles, Argentinierstrasse 1, Entrance: Gusshausstraße 12, 1040 ViennaMr Karl Heinz Pisec, Honorary Vice-Consul(+43) (1) 505 32 15
Sierra Leonean Honorary Consulate General in ViennaSierra Leone, Talgasse 11 / 7, 1150 WienDr Wolfgang Breitenthaler, Honorary Consul General(+43) (1) 894 058 210
Singaporean Honorary Consulate General in ViennaSingapore, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG, Am Stadtpark 9 1030 WienDr Walter Rothensteiner, Honorary Consul General
Slovakian Honorary Consulate in SalzburgSlovakia, Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse 67 5020 SalzburgGerald Hubner, Honorary Consul(+43) (662) 83 00 43
Slovenian Honorary Consulate in SalzburgSlovenia, Alter Markt 1 (4. Stock), 5020 SalzburgAnton Santner, Honorary Consul(+43) 662 255 888
South African Honorary Consulate in SalzburgSouth Africa, Josef-Lindnerstrasse 10b, 3rd floor 5071 WalsDr Walter Thaler, Honorary Consul(+43) 662 8573 8560
South Korean Honorary Consulate in SalzburgSouth Korea, Alpenstrasse 61, 5020 SalzburgDr Rudolf Aichinger, Honorary Consul(+43) (662) 63 86 – 600
Spanish Honorary Consulate in GrazSpain, Brückenkopfgasse 1/8, 8020 GrazChristof Korp, Honorary Consul(+43) 681 816 704 56