Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Albanian Honorary Consulate in SalzburgAlbania, Hauptstrasse 14-16 5082 GrödigMr Johann Pöll, Honorary Consul(+43) (6246) 89 11 0
Bangladeshi Honorary Consulate in St. PöltenBangladesh, c/o GPLS Rechtsanwälte, Wiener Strasse 3, 3100 St. PöltenWolfgang Weninger, Honorary Consul(+43) 2742 354 355
Barbadian Honorary Consulate General in ViennaBarbados, Brucknerstrasse 4, Schwarzenbergplatz 1040 WienDr Kurt Mach, Honorary Consul General(+43) (1) 505 74 55
Belarussian Honorary Consulate in BregenzBelarus, In der Holzbündt 8 / 3, 6900 BregenzMaria Anna Mathis, Honorary Consul(+43) (664) 14 38 162
Belgian Honorary Consulate in SalzburgBelgium, Sterneckstrasse 55/1, 5020 SalzburgDr Andrea Berger, Honorary Consul(+43) (662) 870 836
Beninese Honorary Consulate in ViennaBenin, Burggasse 60, 1070 WienMr Viktor Wagner, Honorary Consul(+43) (1) 523 93 00
Bhutanese Honorary Consulate in ViennaBhutan, Saulengasse 4/32, 1090, Wein, Osterreich, AustriaMrs. Marie-Christine Weinberger - Honorary Consul0043 1 504 0165
Bolivian Honorary Consulate in SalzburgBolivia, Dr. Viehauserstrasse 8a, 5020 SalzburgMr Olav Pedro Kerp, Honorary Consul(+43) (662) 822 58 2
Botswanan Honorary Consulate in ViennaBotswana, Linke Wienzeile 4, 1060 WienDr Harald Meixner, Honorary Consul(+43) (1) 587 96 16
Brazilian Honorary Consulate in SalzburgBrazil, Hölzlstrasse, 5, 5071 Wals bei SalzburgMr Erich August Hackl, Honorary Consul(+43) (662) 65 965