Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Belgian Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaBelgium, C/ Bonaventura Riberaygua, 39, 4t 3a 500 Andorra la VellaMr Marc Ostoja-Kuczynski, Honorary Consul(+376) 386 598
Chilean Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaChile, Prat Primer, 4 despacho 14 AD 500 Andorra la VellaMr Carlos Fernando Bontempi Prieto, Honorary Consul(+376) 86.03.70
Czech Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaCzech Republic, Carrer del Fener, núm. 11-13 Edifici Eland Unió, 1-4 500 Andorra la VellaMr Joan Torres Puig, Honorary Consul(+376) 862 800
Estonian Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaEstonia, C/ Esteve Dolsa n. 24, first floor Andorra la Vella AD500Mr Antoni d'Ortodó Lloveras-Puig, Honorary Consul(+376) 322 303
Finnish Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaFinland, Avinguda François Mitterand n.7 Casa Oros, 200 EncampAntoni Pintat Mas, Honorary Consul(+376) 731 100
German Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaGermany, Av. Meritxell, 75, edifici Quars, 4a planta 500 Andorra la VellaMr Enric Palmitjavila, Honorary Consul(+376) 874 900 (+376) 861 346
Italian Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaItaly, Carrer Pau Casals, 6 - Edif. Emprivat 3r 1a 500 Andorra la VellaMr Alberto Rossi Pucci, Honorary Consul(+376) 807 350
Philippine Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaPhilippines, Can Diumenge, Xalet Solà d'Engordany 700 Escaldes-Engordany, Apartat de Correus 2193 500 Andorra la VellaMr Hans-Peter Holbach, Honorary Consul
Polish Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaPoland, C/ Prat de la Creu, 59-65, Bloc A - 5a Planta, 500 Andorra la VellaIolanda Solà, Honorary Consul(+376) 885 288
Portuguese Honorary Consulate in Andorra la VellaPortugal, Prat de La Creu 59-65, Esc. C, 2n, despatx 3M-3N, 500 Andorra la VellaJosé Manuel da Silva, Honorary Consul(+376) 805 305
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