Data storage and contacts for your business List of Consulates
Consulates section provides information on official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another, which can help facilitate trade and cooperation between the people of the two countries. Consulates provide assistance with bureaucratic issues to citizens in business and international transactions.
Latvian Honorary Consulate in TiranaLatvia, Tirana Gallery, Bardhok Biba Street, Section A, Floor II TiranaSokol Kraja, Honorary Consul(+355) 69 89 72 433
Lithuanian Honorary Consulate in TiranaLithuania, Sky Tower, 14 a, Deshmoret e 4 Shkurtit str. no. 5, Apartment 144, TiranaKastriot Haska, Honorary Consul(+355) 4 224 2087
Macedonian Honorary Consulate in DurresMacedonia, Lagja 3, Rruga. “Skënderbeg” Pallati Best Construction, Kati i pare DurresAleksander Pilo, Honorary Consul(+355) 692 620 647
Malaysian Honorary Consulate in TiranaMalaysia, Blloku rezidencial “Kodra e Diellit” TiranaGentian Sula, Honorary Consul(+355) 48 830 002 (+355) 69 20 240 74
Maltese Honorary Consulate in TiranaMalta, Rr. “Shinasi Dishnica”, nr.100 TiranaTom Preku, Honorary Consul(+355) 4223 8048 (+355) 4450 4889
Mexican Honorary Consulate in Tirana,Mexico, Bulevardi “Bajram Curri” European Trade Center TiranaYlli Ndroqi, Honorary Consul(+355) 4225 9765
Mongolian Honorary Consulate in TiranaMongolia, Rr. “Pjeter Budi” nr.15 TiranaBelma Çela, Honorary Consul(+355) 69 208 7687
Moroccan Honorary Consulate in Tirana(+355) 42 232 931 (+355) 69 20 30 629
Norwegian Honorary Consulate General in TiranaNorway, Sky Tower, Rr. Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit TiranaMr Knut Leif Bredo Erichsen, Honorary Consul(+355) 4 222 16 66 (+355) 692 026 140
Pakistani Honorary Consulate in TiranaPakistan, Banka Kombëtare Tregëtare Blv Zhan D’Ark, 1001 TiranaSeyhan Pencabligil, Honorary Consul(+355) 4 2250 961