Advisor Benefits
Share and explain your opinions and experience globally in panel discussions
Advisor Benefits
Join our international panel of experts – the networking opportunities are endless
Advisor Benefits
Gain access to EPI (Export Portal Intelligence)
Help SMEs to resolve issues and bottlenecks within their own processes
Use this information to help your own company, industry, etc.
Stay on the cutting edge of new technology and developments SME trade and the trade world in general
Advisor Benefits
Work with Country, Industry, and Content Ambassadors to provide information and advice to our platform users
Advisor Benefits
Be a part of EPU (Export Portal University)
Give tutorials
Host virtual conferences
Offer exclusive classes
Arrange meetups
Advisor Benefits
Our Advisors will be the ones who may be voted on in the future to become board members
Boost your public profile
Increase your networking opportunities
Get a share of Export Portal
Make a difference with EP+
Your knowledge will be shared globally with thousands of SMEs and experts
Make a difference with EP+
Have a unique platform with international visibility of your work
Make a difference with EP+
Use your closeness with mSMEs in your home country to teach eCommerce platforms such as Export Portal how to relate to them
Make a difference with EP+
Be a resource for fledgling and aspiring SMEs in 120+ countries
Make a difference with EP+
Share your expertise with the people who really need your help
There’s no better way to prove you are an expert in your field. Don’t miss out!
Who are we?
Export Portal is a comprehensive international trade hub for SMEs
Secured by proprietary blockchain technology
Prioritizes security, transparency, cost-effectiveness, and ease-of-use
Allows partners to confidently trade, network, and communicate with other verified companies internationally