Carrot cubes
Product information
- Year: 2020
- Product: Carrot cubes
- Product description: Dried pieces of Daucus carota
- Biological name: Daucus carota
- Product Appearance: Dried carrot 10 x 10 x 2 mm
- Color: From orange to deep orange
- Taste and Smell: Natural taste and smell of carrot
A cool seasoned vegetables, carrots are most versatile for their fleshy edible roots. Bright orange carrots not only add colour and yummy taste to soups and stews, but also give them rich texture that is sure to entice taste buds. Dehydrated Carrots are a great source of essential vitamins and minerals.
Raw or cooked, crunchy or softened, they find wind application in day to use for making carrot juice, carrot powder, terminated carrot sweetmeats, soups, stews carrot flakes etc. It is a perfect snack while camping or for long term food storage and emergency preparedness.
Premium quality Dehydrated carrot flakes and powder are natural and organic, being totally free from pesticides or preservatives. So, you can vouch for their quality.
As real carrots often lose their freshness and lie unused in the refrigerator, now you can switch over to dried and diced carrots. You can always experience the convenience of having the real fresh flavour of luscious juicy carrots at your fingertips, anytime and anywhere.
There will no longer be any necessity of continuous chopping to prepare that yum soup. That will save on your time and effort too.
And, the bright orange colour of these dried carrot flakes is not only appealing to the eye, but good for them too.
Prices FCA Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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