
Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I add a product to favorites?

Open the product page, find the button ,,More actions on item,, , click and choose the first option ,,Favorite,, 

How do I add items in bulk?

In order to add items in bulk, find the section ,,Items,, on the quick menu. Click on it and find the button “Bulk upload” to add all your products for sale.

How do I upgrade to a certified account?

In your account there is an option “Upgrade”. Please log into your account and go to your “Quick menu”. There you will find the “Upgrade” button. Please click on it in order to become a Certified Seller/Manufacturer.

How do I add products to Export Portal?

In order to list a new product for sale, please, follow the steps shown below:

  1. Log into your Seller account on Export Portal.
  2. Go to your profile and click on "Add Items" button.
  3. Add all the required information and click "Submit".

For a more detailed and clear answer on the "Product Adding" feature, please go to the User Guide Page.

Is it possible to add a discount price to an already listed item?

Yes, to add a discount on an already listed product go to: “My Items” → “Edit Item” → “Price Options” and add your discount price.

Who takes care of the paperwork for each international trade transaction?

The buyer and seller will have to complete all the paperwork themselves. However, Export Portal will be available for customer support and provide important information when it comes to customs. For additional information, you can refer to our legal service and library.

How can I report a problem with a seller or a buyer?

Buyers and sellers can securely communicate with each other on Export Portal. During the process, both parties can ask each other important questions, settle disputes, and other communication functions. If a dispute persists after buyer and seller negotiations, Export Portal will mediate and find a common ground where both parties involved are satisfied.

What are your selling fees?

These are the selling fees for Sellers and Manufacturers on Export Portal:

These are the fees for Freight Forwarders on Export Portal:

What is the Send Offer option?

Send Offer is an option that allows buyers to offer a special price that he/she is willing to pay for a specific amount of items available in stock. The seller decides whether to accept, reject, or counter your offer.

What is the Get Estimate option?

Get Estimate is an option that allows buyers to request a special price for a specific amount of items available in stock.


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Think local Sell global
"We are a team of professionals & global market enthusiasts who love helping companies grow their businesses internationally."
Ally Spinu, CEO & Founder