
Water heaters

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Water Heaters are used in household for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, hot water and water heated to steam have many uses as well. Export Portal offers a place to sell water heaters, a great opportunity to find customers for water heaters online all over the world. 

Domestically, water is traditionally heated in vessels known as water heaters, kettles, cauldrons, pots, or coppers. Appliances that provide a continual supply of hot water are called water heaters, hot water heaters, hot water tanks, boilers, heat exchangers, geysers, or calorifiers

If you want to sell boilers online, use Export Portal to place your products. Our buyers will find everything they need and connect to you. 

There is a wide range of types of water heaters nowadays - from electric water heaters and gas water heaters  to heat pump water heaters and solar water heaters, everything can be found on Export Portal. Shopping for a water heater for your house, make the best choice and consider all the features it has.

Hot water used for space heating may be heated by fossil fuels in a boiler, while potable water may be heated in a separate appliance. There is a diversity of appliances and systems for heating water including storage water heaters (tank-type water heaters), tankless heaters, electric shower heads, geothermal heating systems, gravity-fed systems.

Fossil fuels (natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, oil), or solid fuels are commonly used for heating water. These may be consumed directly or may produce electricity that, in turn, heats water. Electricity to heat water may also come from any other electrical source, such as nuclear power or renewable energy. Alternative energy such as solar energy, heat pumps, hot water heat recycling, and geothermal heating can also heat water, often in combination with backup systems powered by fossil fuels or electricity. Buy boilers online on Export Portal and get the one which will fit your house the most.

City areas of some countries provide district heating of hot water. District heating systems supply energy for water heating and space heating from waste heat from industries, power plants, incinerators, geothermal heating, and central solar heating. Actual heating of tap water is performed in heat exchangers at the consumers' premises. 

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