
Raw wood and timber

Found 1
Brown Film Faced Plywood Brown Film Faced Plywood
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Raw wood section on Export Portal welcomes sellers and buyers of timber to meet each other on our site for successful trade. Sell raw wood here, find customers all over the world! Buy raw wood on Export Portal, get the best deals online!

Raw wood is by far the dominant forest product, it is used for many purposes such as wood fuel (e.g. in form of firewood or charcoal) or the finished structural materials used for the construction of buildings, or as a raw material, in the form of wood pulp, that is used in the production of paper, for producing components of different tools or our beloved furniture as chairs, beds and wardrobes, in cutlery, such as chopsticks and toothpicks and other utensils as wooden spoon, for wood flooring  and for boats, canoes and even ships!

Also raw wood is used for entertaining through confectioning wood toys, in art for engraved and carved pictures and for cultural purposes as wooden statues. So a lot of possibilities to buy and do whatever you want or sell for others to do the same.

Shop for raw wood on Export Portal, find sellers from all over the world. Selling raw wood online,  use all the opportunities offered by Export Portal: easy deals, safe trade and worldwide market. Trade on our site, expand your business globally!