

Found 1
Olive Quartz 12mm and 15mm Onion Briolette (Rose Cutting) Olive Quartz 12mm and 15mm Onion Briolette (Rose Cutting)
Sold by:
Earth Stone Inc
Verified Seller
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Quartz is one of the most common minerals on earth, and makes up one of the most popular gemstone groups in the world of colored stones. It is the second most abundant mineral found in Earth's continental crust, second only to the feldspars.  

Export Portal invites sellers of Quartz from all around the world to register. Join one of the most popular worldwide trading platforms and make constant profits. No registration or listing fees required!

The amazing beauty of quartz and its affordability makes it very well liked as gemstone. The colorless quartz is commonly used as diamond imitation. All the varieties of quartz are very well paired with semi precious gemstones such as Peridot, opal, rhodonite etc. 

Buy the most popular quartz crystals as: Amethyst, Ametrine, Citrine, Prasiolite and Rose quartz on Export Portal. Enjoy our cheap prices and great quality products today!