

Found 1
VemoHerb Bulgarian Tribulus (90 caps) VemoHerb Bulgarian Tribulus (90 caps)
Sold by:
VEMO 99 Ltd
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Export from Bulgaria

Planning to buy products online from Bulgaria? Find below a brief description of the country's famous exports as well as some interesting information on the most sought-after products made in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria has an emerging market economy being an important exporter of agricultural and food products and industrial commodities. Bulgaria's main export partners are Germany,Turkey, Italy, Greece and Romania. The country is a member of the World Trade Organization and its export import policy is based on liberalized trade, consistency and compliance with the international trade rules.

The nation's geography allows it to produce diverse agricultural products and foodstuffs. Bulgaria's mountainous terrain holds various natural resources such as zinc, copper, lead, bauxite, timber and coal.

The top products exported by Bulgaria include petroleum and petroleum products, chemical products, machinery, packaged medicaments, wheat and other food products. The country is considered to be an important coal producer in Europe and the nation also manufacturers and exports perfumery essential oils, among which rose and lavender oil.

It is important to note that Bulgaria produces approximately 70 percent of all rose in the world. Bulgarian tradition of manufacturing essential oils dates back to the 17th century being a source of its national pride. Export Portal offers you a great opportunity to source Bulgarian Top Quality Rose Oil and Essential Oils Products from Verified Bulgarian Rose Oil Suppliers and Wholesalers.

The last data also shows that Bulgaria is the world's number one in Lavender production after managing to steal the 1st place from France in just several years. Bulgarian Producers of Lavender Oil export approximately 70 percent of the production to France. They sell lavender oil to French cosmetic companies and to local lavender oil producers.

Lavender Oil is really a liquid treasure that is prized by perfume makers around the world. Export Portal stocks Bulgarian lavender essential oils and High Quality Bulgarian Lavender Oil Products from Lavender Bulgarian Oils Suppliers and Exporters. Join now to find the best deals with low prices on high quality products or to showcase your business and products throughout the world.


Import to Bulgaria

Looking to import products in Bulgaria? Export Portal can help you, by providing an export/import platform that connects wholesale/retail buyers with suppliers/exporters from different countries around the world. Thousands of Bulgarian importers and buyers have already used to find trading companies, global exporters, manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors. Acting as a bridge between buyers and sellers, the portal subsumes a huge number of company profiles and product/motor catalogs with over 50 categories and thousands of subcategories. Find the interested product and we will help you import it safely and easily in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria imports mainly fuels, machinery and transport equipment, metals, raw materials. Bulgaria's main import partners are Russia, Germany, Italy, Romania and Italy.

Export Portal is the best destination for both Bulgarian importers and exporters with the best opportunities of international trading. Our greatest mission is to bring buyers and sellers under one pedestal.  

Come Shop at Export Portal's Online Pharmacy
Welcome to the Export Portal Pharmacy Department! If you are looking for health products from reliable suppliers and manufacturers, you came to the right place. Here are some of the products we have to help you lead a long and healthy life:

Medical and Health: Here, you will be able to find pharmaceutical products like GreenKure Ayurvedic Pain Relief Oil and DR ARRJUN CREAM. If you are suffering from body aches or skin inflammation, make sure to check them out!

Vitamins: Everyone knows how essential multivitamins are for one's health. This is why we carry vitamins from exclusive brands, healthy snacks, supplements, and other natural health products. If you are trying to maintain a healthy body and a balanced diet, Export Portal should be your number one go-to.

Medical Herbs: Medical herbs have been used for centuries to cure all sorts of ailments. Export Portal has a wide selection of medical herbs ranging from herbal extracts, organic medicinal teas, herbal cleanses, Hibiscus Extract Powder, liver detox, and more.

Sexual Well-being: Sexual well-being products are important for safe, pleasing sex life. We have lubricants, condoms, shower gels, pregnancy tests, and medicines for erectile dysfunction to make sure you can lead a safe sex life at all times. 

Diet & Fitness: Our Diet and Fitness Supplies Department has a wide range of supplements from the best global brands. Check out bodybuilding supplements like protein, glutamine, or creatine to boost your strength, build muscle, and increase your performance levels. We also have amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and weight-loss supplements that can be taken on a daily basis.

We care about the health of our customers and work to provide only the best. Our wide assortment of pharmaceutical products will make your shopping experience much easier. Shop with Export Portal today and get healthy!

Customs requirements of Bulgaria

Bulgaria Customs Contact Information 



Address:'Rakovski "47 Sofia 1202 Bulgaria

Telephone: +359 298594210


Bulgaria is a country situated in the south-eastern Europe, bordered by Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey and the Black Sea. The country is a member of the European Union, NATO, the Council of Europe and a founding state of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.


Export/Import Requirements

Bulgaria's trade policy is the same as those of other members of the EU. Non-tariff barriers include agricultural and manufacturing subsidies, import restrictions for some goods and services, market access restrictions in some service sectors, non-transparent and restrictive regulations and standards, and inconsistent customs administration across EU members. 

Goods are declared by a customs declaration. Besides the customs declaration, the other required documents by the customs authorities are an invoice, certificate of origin, transport documents, etc. A veterinary or phyto-sanitary certificate is necessary for goods of animal or plant origin. 

Customs Duties on imports are 20% for non-European countries. 

The National Customs Agency falls under the supervision of the Bulgaria Minister of Finance and its structure includes the Central Customs Directorate and eleven customs houses located at: the Sofia Airport, in Burgas, Varna, Vidin, Plovdiv, Svilengrad, Svishtov, Stolichna, Ruse and Yougozapadna.

Bulgaria, being a member of the European Union since 2007, follows all its directives and regulations. Thus, special permits and licenses may be necessary for performing certain trade activities in Bulgaria. 

The internal market of the EU is a single market which allows the free movement of goods and services. Therefore, no import duties apply.

Most goods can be imported into Bulgaria without restriction. However, permits will be required for:

- nuclear materials

- dual use goods

- plant protection products

- hazardous chemicals

- pharmaceuticals

