
Nonferrous and rare metals

Found 1
Magnesium ingots Magnesium ingots
Sold by:
QH Private Limited
Verified Seller
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
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Non-Ferrous Metals do not contain Iron, are not magnetic and are usually more resistant to corrosion than ferrous metals.

Sell non-ferrous and rare metals on Export Portal, expand your business globally, overcoming trade borders. Buy non-ferrous and rare metals directly from sellers and international manufacturers, be sure in the sellers you are trading with. 

These are the non ferrous metals and their uses:

- Aluminium – an alloy of aluminium, copper and manganese;  very lightweight and easily worked; used in aircraft manufacture, window frames and some kitchenware.

- Copper – a natural occurring substance; used for wiring, tubing and pipe work.

- Brass – a combination of copper and zinc, usually in the proportions of 65% to 35% respectively; used for ornamental purposes and within electrical fittings.

- Silver – mainly a natural substance, but mixing with copper creates sterling silver; used for decorative impact in jewellery and ornaments, and also to solder different metals together.

- Lead – a naturally occurring substance; it is heavy and very soft and is often used in roofing, in batteries and to make pipes.

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