
medicinal herbs

Found 3
Sagapenum Gum/Resin Sagapenum Gum/Resin
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Galbanum Galbanum
Sold by:
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Country of Origin:
Mountain Almond Resin/Gum Mountain Almond Resin/Gum
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Export from Austria

Austria is one of the eleven richest countries in the world in terms of GDP. The country has a high standard of living and a well-developed social market economy.

Austria's economy is dependent on international trade, looking back over several successful decades. Since 1980, the exports of products in the country have experienced a sevenfold increase from 16 billion to 117 billion! Nowadays, Austrian companies generate five of ten euros on overseas markets. What is more, every other job is related directly or indirectly to the export industry.

What are the main exports of Austria? Export is regarded as vital to the economy of Austria. Main export products are motor vehicles and parts, machinery and equipment, paper and paper board, metal good, chemical products, iron and steel, textile products and foodstuffs. Despite being only a small wine growing country, the country has acquired an excellent reputation for giving the world some top-scoring wines. The country's leading commodities account for two-third of the total export volume. Austria exports most of its goods to the EU countries (mainly Germany).

Interested in exporting from Austria?

The Export Portal directory allows you to search for a wide range of Austrian prominent export companies and suppliers, their numerous quality products and services. You can either browse by selecting an industry category or simply enter a keyword into the search bar. Export Portal will help you  also promote Austrian products and services to overseas buyers through its website.


Import to Austria

Austria is a well-developed market economy with a high standard of living. 8 million consumers in Austria benefit from the market-oriented economic policies, with few restrictions imposed. Being the member of EU, the country refers to European regulations on import, packaging and customs duties.

Import licences are usually required for a range of products that include agricultural products, tobacco, salt, war materials and poisons. Free-trade zones in Austria are located ar Graz, Bad Hall, Vienna and Linz.

Austrian imports show a strong presence of German products, followed by imports from Italy, Switzerland and Netherlands.

The top import products include: motor vehicles, metal goods, oil products and foodstuffs.

Would you like to import products or services to Austria? Or are you an exporter interested in the Austrian market? Export Portal promotes Austrian and international businesses to improve the foreign trade. On this export/import platform you can find selected trading companies all over the world to ensure that importing in Austria runs smoothly. Find global buyers and explore new markets. 

We are happy to welcome you at Medical Herbs store at Export Portal. Your arsenal of home remedies is about to get a lot spicier with the best healing herbs that are presented here by the Medical Herbs sellers from all over the world. Discover the magical healing power of herb medicine. Herbal therapy has been known to mankind since the dawn of times and remains highly in demand still. 

Though herbs have been used for hundreds of years to heal, scientists are finally starting to substantiate these plants' abilities to alleviate arthritis pain, reduce high blood sugar and cholesterol, and help with many other conditions. They're even discovering amazing new powers in the best healing herbs, such as the ability to kill cancer cells and help problem drinkers curb their alcohol intake.

We are proud to offer the finest line of pharmacy supplies and medicinal herbs for sale for you and your family! 

Herbal plants have been used for centuries to cure all sorts of ailments. And, even though modern medicine has improved our lives considerably, both modern medicine and alternative medicine still rely on the age-old healing properties found in medicinal herbs. Scientists and modern herbologists affirm that herbs and other natural remedies can be as effective as traditional treatments, often without the same negative side effects. That's amazing and shouldn't be overlooked!

The use of medicinal plants is increasing worldwide, related to the persistence and sometimes expansion of traditional medicine and a growing interest in herbal treatments. Chemical compounds in plants mediate their effect on the human body through processes identical to those already well understood for the chemical compounds in conventional drugs; thus herbal medicines do not differ greatly from conventional drugs in terms of how they work. This enables herbal medicines to be as effective as conventional medicines, but also gives them the same potential to cause harmful side effects.

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You will be impressed with the healing power of herbs if used correctly! Buy Chinese herbs widely used In alternative therapy, herb tea - tasty and healthy ingredient. Find only the best natural herbal product suppliers to provide medicinal herbs for you!

Customs requirements of Austria

Austria Customs Contact Information



Address: Hintere Zollamtsstraße 2b 1030 Vienna

Telephone: +430151433-0 


Austria is a dynamic European Union member trading regionally and covering several markets in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Balkan countries. In accordance with its European Union membership, Austria applies the EU rules that are in force in all European Union countries. While the EU has a rather liberal foreign trade policy, there is a certain number of restrictions, especially on farm products, following the implementation of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy).


Export/Import Requirements

Austria refers to European customs regulations and directives on packaging, import regulations and customs duties. Generally European Union regulations are principally quite liberal. Packaging of food stuffs, wine, textiles and chemicals  must meet the packaging and labeling standards. The CE label confirms that EU health, safety and environmental standards have been met for the following product areas:

- Machines

- Building materials

- Telecommunication systems

- Medical apparatus

- Sports equipment

- Toys

- Explosive materials


List of Documents For Imports:

- Commercial invoice

- Custom value declaration

- Freight insurance

- Custom import declaration (SAD form)

- Freight documents

- Packing list

- Certificate of origin Insurance certificate

- VI1 certificate (for wine beverages) 

Austria has no foreign trade zones. It has only two customs warehouses in Vienna and Tyrol province, where products of foreign origin may be stored without paying any customs duty. 

