
Live trees, plants, bulbs, flowers

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Drumstick flower Drumstick flower
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Export from India

The economy of India is the 7th-largest economy by market exchange rates, India is one of the world's fastest-growing economies. The long-term growth prospective of the Indian economy is moderately positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.

India is one of the largest textile exporters. Major agricultural products include rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea, sugarcane, and potatoes. Major industries include telecommunications, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food processing, steel, transport equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery, and software. Major exports of India include petroleum products, textile goods, jewelry, software, engineering goods, chemicals, and leather manufactures.

The top export partners of India are the United States, the United Arab Emirates, China, Singapore and the United Kingdom. In recent years, India has become one of the biggest refined product exporters in Asia with petroleum accounting for around 20 percent of total exports. 

The pharmaceutical industry in India is among the significant emerging markets for global pharma industry.

India has a growing automotive industry as well.

India's top exports are:

  • Oil
  • Gems, precious metals, coins
  • Vehicles
  • Machines, engines, pumps
  • Organic chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Cereals
  • Iron and steel
  • Clothing (not knit or crochet)
  • Electronic equipment


Import to India

The Indian economy has the potential to become the world's 3rd-largest economy by the next decade, and one of the largest economies by mid-century. Historically, India has classified and tracked its economy and GDP as three sectors - agriculture, industry and services. Agriculture includes crops, horticulture, milk and animal husbandry, aquaculture, fishing, sericulture, aviculture, forestry and related activities. Industry includes various manufacturing sub-sectors. India's definition of services sector includes its construction, retail, software, IT, communications, hospitality, infrastructure operations, education, health care, banking and insurance, and many other economic activities.

India is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations,the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation,the G20,the International Monetary Fund,the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation,the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,the United Nations and the New Development BRICS Bank.

India is heavily dependent on crude oil imports, with petroleum crude accounting for about 34 percent of the total inward shipments. India imports also gold and silver, machinery, electronic goods and pearls, precious stones and semi-precious stones and chemicals. The top import partners of India are China, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland and Iraq.

We welcome you to the gardening & planting section of Export Portal! Here you will always find a fine selection of the most beautiful and strong trees, gardening plants and flowers, hedging plants, garden plants and shrubs, all kinds of plants for sale, scented garden plants to scent your garden on warm summer nights, many types of garden plants from all the world, as we have international sellers presenting their production of trees and flowers online. We offer you to purchase herbal garden plants and garden bed plants with us!

Give your garden a new look every growing season with annuals. Their life cycle lasts one season which allows for lots of experimentation. We have a great selection of annual flowers that will help you decorate your garden differently every year and give a space to experimenting with its look every coming year!

Whether you want to add some attractive ornamentation to your yard or a shady respite from the bright sun, our selection of trees has got you covered. Browse for plants and seeds online with Export Portal from a large selection of garden flowers and plants for sale. Find cottage garden plants for shade and decoration, flower bushes, rose flowers, African lily, medicinal flowers, orchid flower, forget me not flowers. Order flowers and purchase trees online, find unique garden plants for your yard, desert garden plants, climbing plants for decorating your hedges and conceal your garden from the view of passersby to give you a feeling of seclusion and safety. Choose from our beautiful garden plants for sale to make your garden the most beautiful of all! We offer you exotic garden plants and rosemary plants, spring flower bulbs, saffron bulbs for sale, small tree species in our online plant store

Flower gardening takes special planning and preparation because flowers bloom in varying sequences throughout the year. Try mixing and matching for gorgeous color in your garden. With our variety of plants for sale you will be able to satisfy all of your gardening dreams and plans!

Trees and shrubs are either deciduous or evergreen. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall and are bare all winter, though the leaves often give a final show of beautiful colors before they drop. Evergreen trees and shrubs retain their foliage year-round. Some, such as southern magnolia, feature broad leaves. Others, such as pines, have needled foliage.

Choose from our hazelnut trees, small trees for landscaping and big trees to shade your backyard, apricot trees with promising of fresh and aromatic fruits every year! Look through our tulip trees collection,  tropical fruit trees, outdoor artificial trees, plum tree varieties and cherry trees to give you a bountiful fruit yield every year, beautiful trees and shrubs, walnut trees for sale, chestnut tree, young trees for sale. Find mulberry trees, acacia tree, wholesale fruit trees for your fruit garden or patio fruit trees, also palm tree for sale, nut trees, mountain ash tree or birch trees for sale.

Every kind of cultivated tree has assets that suit it for some landscape use. Each also has certain requirements critical to its survival in the yard. Some are more cold-hardy than others, so check their zone rating for hardiness. Many do best in rich, moist, woodsy soil that's on the acid side. Others prefer more alkaline soil that tends to be dry because it's not as rich in moisture-holding organic matter. Some trees, like swamp red maples and bald cypress, can handle truly wet soil.

Also keep in mind that trees also have their liabilities. Some have thorns that make them unsuitable for homes with children. Others are weedy. Some are messy - sycamores and relatives of the London plane tree drip fuzzy balls, bark, and twigs all over the place. The spiked balls from sweet gum trees and the runaway roots of willows present challenges as well. However, if you choose the right place for some of these less-desirable varieties, you often can overlook their faults and enjoy their virtues instead.

Browse out collection of agricultural productsblueberry bush for sale, evergreens, beauty berry bushes, decorative bushes to give your garden a new look, camellia bushes, rose trees, gardenia bushes, spring flowering shrubs, long stem rose bushes for sale, black elderberry bush, holly bush varieties, red currant bushes, lilac bushes for sale, gardenia bush, pomegranate bush, blue moon rose bushes and more. 

Customs requirements of India

Indian Customs Contact Information



Address: Custom House, near all India Radio, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380 009

Telephone: +91 27544630 


India is a country situated in South Asia bordered by the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. It is a member of the East Asia Summit, World Trade Organisation, International Monetary Fund, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).


Import Procedure:

In case of Electronic Data Interchange no formal Bill of Entry is filed as it is generated in the computer system, but the importer is required to file a cargo declaration having prescribed particulars required for processing of the entry for customs clearance. In case of non-EDI more documents are also generally required.

Green Channel facility

Some major importers have been given the green channel clearance facility. They have to make a declaration in the declaration form at the time of filing of Bill of Entry. The appraisement is done as per normal procedure except that there would be no physical examination of the goods. Certain goods are prohibited under Foreign Trade.

The average customs duty is around 15%. Alcohol, wines, pet foods, some processed food products, and some manufactured goods are attracting higher customs tariff; however the tariff rate keeps on changing although the general trend is downwards. Some customs preferences are granted to certain goods imported, subject to conditions. You can consult a list on the website of the Ministry of Finance of India. Preferential rates also apply to imports from those countries with which India has signed special Trade Agreements. 


Export Procedure:

For clearance of export goods, the exporter or his agents have to undertake the following formalities:-


The exporters have to obtain PAN based Business Identification Number (BIN) from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade prior to filing of shipping bill for clearance of export goods.

The exporters are also required to register authorised foreign exchange dealer code (through which export proceeds are expected to be realised) and open a current account in the designated bank for credit of any drawback incentive.

Whenever a new Airline, Shipping Line, Steamer Agent, port or airport comes into operation, they are required to be registered into the Customs System.

The exporters intending to export under the export promotion scheme need to get their licences/DEEC book etc, registered at the Customs Station.

Processing of Shipping Bill

In case of export by sea or air, the exporter must submit the 'Shipping Bill', and in case of export by road he must submit 'Bill of Export' in the prescribed form containing the prescribed details such as the name of the exporter, consignee, invoice number, details of packing, description of goods, quantity, FOB value, etc. Along with the Shipping Bill, other documents such as copy of packing list, invoices, export contract, letter of credit, etc. are also to be submitted.

Let Export Order

After the receipt of the goods in the dock, the exporter may contact the Customs Officer designated for the purpose and present the checklist with the endorsement of Port Authority and other declarations along with all original documents. Customs Officer may verify the quantity of the goods actually received and thereafter mark the Electronic Shipping Bill and also hand over all original documents to the Dock Appraiser, who may assign a customs officer for the examination of the goods. If the Dock Appraiser is satisfied that the particulars entered in the system conform to the description given in the original documents, he may proceed to allow "let export" for the shipment.


Product certification, labelling and packaging


Outer containers should bear consignee and port mark and be numbered (to accord with packing list) unless their contents can be otherwise readily identified. Gross weight must be shown on two faces.


Packing should be strong and should guard against extreme heat and humidity in summer and possible storage in the open and pilferage. Steel strapping is recommended.

Special certificates

Livestock imports must be accompanied by a sanitary certificate issued and certified by an approved authority in the country of origin.

Plants, plant products and leaf tobacco require phytosanitary certificates issued by an approved authority in the country of origin and certified by an approved organisation.

Additionally, leaf tobacco must be accompanied by a special certificate stating that the tobacco is free from ephestia elutella or that the pest does not exist in the country of origin. Any shipment of tobacco leaf arriving without the above certificate will be examined by an Indian Government inspector and a fee charged.

Used clothing requires a certificate of fumigation issued by an approved authority in the country of origin.

Port wine requires a certificate indicating alcoholic content and spirits may need a certificate of maturity.


Documents for import/export:

Commercial invoice

A minimum of 4 copies is required and must be signed by the supplier in exporting country. The invoice must show details such as:

  • country of origin
  • consignee's name
  • number and date of letter of credit and import licence number
  • terms of payment
  • name of carrier
  • number
  • description and identifying marks of outer containers


Bill of lading

Minimum of two copies normally required. To Order bills are also acceptable.

Freight charges must be stated separately and quantities must be indicated in metric terms.

Import reference number and letter of credit number are to be shown.

Must indicate the name and address of the applicant and the issuing bank.

Packing list

Certificate of origin

Issued by local Chamber of Commerce (three copies normally required).

