
Lime and cement plaster

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Cement Clinker Cement Clinker
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Universal great quality gypsum powder is used as plaster or finish Universal great quality gypsum powder is used as plaster or finish
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Samara Gypsum Plant
Verified Manufacturer
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Lime plaster is a type of plaster composed of sand, water, and lime, usually non-hydraulic hydrated lime. Ancient lime plaster often contained horse hair for reinforcement and pozzolan additives to reduce the working time. Cement plaster is a mixture of suitable plaster, sand, portland cement and water which is normally applied in construction industry. Sell lime and cement plasters on Export Portal, open the window to successful trade without borders. Buy lime and cement plasters on Export Portal, benefit from a large variety of products in 24/7 online catalog with convenient prices.

Lime and cement plasters were traditionally applied to give protection to walls built of poor quality rubble stone or porous brick or to walls in exposed locations facing driving winds. They help by acting like a sponge, absorbing rainfall then allowing it to evaporate rather than soak into the wall.

Lime and cement plasters can be applied to a variety of backgrounds including earth (which should nearly always be rendered), stone and brick. Plaster is also applied to wooden laths for ceilings and internal partitions. 

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