
Medical lighting

Found 1
HCM MEDICA 8W Dental Headlamp Surgery ENT Medical LED Headlight HCM MEDICA 8W Dental Headlamp Surgery ENT Medical LED Headlight
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Medical lamp is a commonly used medical device, aimed to light definite parts of the room and help the doctor produce different medical procedures: surgeries, dental treatment and many others. Slit lamp  (in ophthalmology) is  lamp, for projecting a narrow beam of intense light that is used in conjunction with a biomicroscope for examining the anterior parts of an eye. Sell medical lamps and lighting on Export Portal, the biggest internet platform where you can build your brand with free themes, apps and amazing service. Buy medical lamps and lighting on Export Portal, not a simple platform but a safe, profitable and trustworthy website for international trading. 

Trade for the medical equipment on our secure and profitable web page. Export Portal is your internet source of all you need for making your business visible on international level. Join our eCommerce web site right now and benefit from a large number of products for a reasonable price. Build up strong and constant B2B relations and expand your business worldwide.