
Electric trucks

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If you are looking for an Electric Truck, Export Portal is the right place to start with! A wide range of different E-Trucks with their special characteristics and functions are available now. Buy any – Truck you want and our shippers will transport it to your place.

 Electric Truck is actually the best type of transport for delivering your goods in a noiseless and no-pollution way. For those who don’t want to bring any harm to the environment, the electric truck will become your friend and helper when it comes to transporting goods. If you chose this vehicle, then the comfort and the ease of management will accompany you wherever you go. 

 On our web store, you will find a great variety of machines of all sizes, with powerful chassis, which can withstand the weight more than 24 tons. The versatility of the trucks we provide allows to the purchasers to customize the machine for their exact needs. Due to the powerful batteries, E-Trucks give the possibility to carry huge amounts o materials for a long distance.    

Whether you are transporting construction materials, wood articles or other equipment, you can do it is a smooth, maneuverable and silent way, moreover without doing any harm to nature.   

Find the widest variety of Electric Trucks placed here by certified sellers and manufactures, and do not hesitate when making a chose.