
Doppler Ultrasound

Found 2
convex palm B/W ultrasound machine convex palm B/W ultrasound machine
Sold by:
Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited
Verified Manufacturer
Country of Origin:
3in1 palm doppler ultrasound machine 3in1 palm doppler ultrasound machine
Sold by:
Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited
Verified Manufacturer
Country of Origin:

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Export from China

By producing things and selling them to different countries around the world, China has transformed the world economy with it. For instance, in 1900 the country produced only 3 percent of global manufacturing output. Today, China's share is nearly a quarter. It manufactures 80 percent of world's air conditioners, 70 percent of mobile phones and 60 percent of its shoes. China also exports large amounts of machines, furniture, clothing, medical equipment, vehicles, gems, iron products and more. So if you are looking for trusted portal to sell and export any product directly from China and shipping it to your home country, Export Portal can help you.

Export Portal's mission is to build a trusted trade bridge between global buyers and Chinese exporters, Chinese manufacturers, Chinese suppliers, Chinese sellers, etc., by creating new business opportunities for direct sourcing of quality products. Just browse for keywords that match the products you are interested in and find what you want quickly and easily. The export/import portal comprises a huge number of Chinese company profiles and Chinese product catalogs in over 1000 categories and subcategories.

Chinese shopping online is becoming more and more popular. Export Portal is one stop destination for Chinese sellers and buyers across the globe to interact and conduct international business smoothly and effectively.


Import to China

Are you interested in doing import business in China? Or are you looking to import from China? Export Portal is the most comprehensive directory connecting global suppliers and manufacturers to Chinese buyers. The export import portal makes it easy to find trusted sellers, suppliers, manufacturers and exporters of all types of products to import them safely and easily in China or any other country around the world. Find exclusive discounts from many sellers, submit offers and product inquiries to suggest new prices for items you are interested in, contact sellers and manufacturers using the on-site chat program and more. Interested companies have the ability to introduce their products and services to international buyers. Thus thousands of global companies are eager to fulfill your orders at Export Portal and ship them to your home country.

With reference to Chinese imports, the country imports a broad range of products. Interestingly, China's top import is its top exportmachinery and transport equipment. The nation is also one of the biggest consumers of commodities in the world. Among commodities the biggest demand is for crude oil, iron ore, copper, aluminum, soybeans, non-edible raw materials, textile, rubber products and more.

Export Portal is your one stop destination for finding and contacting Global Suppliers and Manufacturers to import products easily and safely to China. Source for Machinery & Transport Equipment Manufacturers, Manufacturers & Suppliers of Chemical Products, Textile Manufacturers, Food Suppliers and many others.

A Doppler ultrasound test uses reflected sound waves to see how blood flows through a blood vessel. It helps doctors assess the blood flow through major arteries and veins, such as those of the arms, legs, and neck. It can show blocked or reduced flow of blood through narrow areas in the major arteries of the neck. Sell Doppler ultrasound equipment on Export Portal, the right place for safe and effective trade. Buy Doppler ultrasound equipment on Export Portal, register now and get the possibility to contact international sellers and manufacturers without any borders. 

During Doppler ultrasound, a handhold device is passed lightly over the skin above a blood vessel. The device is called a transducer. It sends and receives sound waves that are amplified through a microphone. The sound waves bounce off solid objects, including blood cells. The movement of blood cells causes a change in the pitch of the reflected sound waves. This is called the Doppler effect. If there is no blood flow, the pitch does not change.

Become the best seller, buyer or manufacturers on Export Portal, sell and buy the best medical equipment without borders. Expand your business globally as success is not for someone else, it is for you!

Customs requirements of China

China Customs Contacts



Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 

Tel: +86 10-65195884 


China is the world's 2nd largest state in terms of area and the world's 2nd largest economy. It is situated in Asia and it is bordered by 16 countries: North Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau. China is a member of the United Nations, World Trade Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).



Importers and exporters dealing with China have to pay 3 types of taxes: value-added tax, consumption tax and customs duties.

The imported products are subject to a general VAT tax of 17 %, and 13% for some products.

A consumption tax is applied to luxury products, non-renewable energy products and passenger cars. The consumption tax is based on the ad valorem or quantity value and there is no stable tariff.

Customs duties comprise import and export duties, calculated on the ad valorem or quantity value of goods.


Products licenses, labelling and packaging

Most products imported to China do not need an import licence if they are registered with China's Ministry of Commerce. An import license is needed for goods such as meat, dairy, fish and other seafood. Other products requiring a permit are: all the restricted goods (chemicals, drugs, ozone depleting substances), goods which are licensed automatically but are still monitored (poultry, tobacco, vegetable oils, copper, coal, aluminium, natural and synthetic rubber, pesticide and chemical fertilisers, asbestos, crude and processed oil, mechanic and electrical products).


The label must contain the following information:

  • name and trademark of the product
  • ingredients
  • net weight and solid content
  • name, address and telephone number of the manufacturer
  • production date (y /m / d) and storage instructions
  • packer / distributor (name and address)
  • batch number
  • country of origin 
  • quality guarantee and/or storage period (y / m / d)
  • usage instructions

Packs must be safe and easily degradable and recyclable. The wood packages should contain an IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) stamp. 


Documents for import/export

The main documents required when trading with China are the following:

  • commercial invoice 
  • bill of Lading 
  • air waybill
  • packing list 
  • pro forma invoice 
  • certificate of Origin 
  • CITES permit (a document certifying that the imported products follow the international wildlife protection regulations; it is necessary for goods such as exotic leather goods, wooden musical instruments, timber, medicines etc.)

